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Welcome to CMD Warriors' Clan Village!

If you're unfamiliar with how Clan Village works, then read this chapter carefully. If you're familiar with how it works, read it anyway, because it might be a little different to traditional Clan Village.

Clan Village, essentially, is a command game. Command games, essentially, are interactive stories on Wattpad on which you use the comments section to post commands, which will be replied to by the manager/s of the game. By using commands, you gain things and move along the game!

That's pretty confusing, so let's give an example:


/send Greystripe, Millie and Silverstream hunting

You sent Greystripe, Millie and Silverstream hunting together. Altogether, they caught 5 prey!


It may seem boring, but it's not, because you can do a lot of things with one cat! You can have relationships between cats, and gatherings between the Clans will occur. You can go on journeys and battle through hardships. You can watch your cats struggle through their darkest days, and even watch them suffer and probably die.

All in all, a pretty casual, fun game!

In Clan Village, you're the leader of your Clan and all other cats are NPCs. Every player each leads a Clan, and you're all somewhat against each other in the quest to be best. Sometimes things get a little heated, and you end up at war. Yep, you can do that here! Don't worry, though, you can have allies too.

There are a lot of commands, and you can see the full list on the next page! Don't head there just yet, though - make sure to read everything here first.

One real day is one moon (month). During one moon, every healthy, normal adult cat has three energy that can be used for various activities. Every cat eats two pieces of prey a moon, which is why you need to hunt.

As a leader, you can send out cats to hunt alone or in groups of 3-6 (patrols). Cats can catch different amounts of prey depending on their skill level, which is why you need to train as well! You can view the skill charts on the next chapter with the commands. Hunting takes one energy per session.

You can also send cats patrolling; the border falls by 2 each day, and every cat sent on a border patrol brings it up by 1/4, so you need two patrols of four cats each to keep it at its current level, or more to bring it up. The border needs to stay strong so creatures don't attack - here's a chart showing the likeliness of an attack depending on border strength.

25/25: 5% chance of attack

20/25: 10% chance of attack

15/25: 20% chance of attack

10/25: 30% chance of attack

5/25: 40% chance of attack

0/25: 50% chance of attack

You can be attacked by all sorts of animals, from quite weak rats to the most terrifying of badgers. That's why you need a high fightskill - or FiS - to fight well, and that's where training comes in!

To train a cat, you use the training command on two cats of different skill levels. The cat with the lower skill level will be the one whose skill level raises - you can't train two cats with the same skill level.

One training session takes one energy from all cats participating, like with most commands. By training once, the lower-level cat's skill will go up by one (1) point.

A cat's huntskill (HuS) can go up to a maximum of six (6), as can their fightskill. Their fightskill is used in battle - if someone invades the camp or you go to war with another Clan, it's important for all your cats to have good fightskill to stand a chance. 

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