1. RoseClan (Moon 26)

297 6 154

Player: sunstruckpebbles

Started: 02/12/19 - 26 moons/26 days old

Season: Leaf-fall - 1/3

Prey: 58

Berries: 31

Herbs: 62

Border: 25/25

It is the first moon of leaf-fall. Adults have a 5% chance of falling sick while young cats have a 10% chance!

Crowswoop has maxed out her huntskill. Congratulations!

Bluestorm and Pebbleshade are now Mates! Congratulations.

Pebbleshade is expecting kits which will be born on Moon 28. She has no energy today and has become a queen.

The border is maxed out. Congratulations!

Leader: Sunstar - Ginger tomcat with Green eyes 
Skill Trees: 6 HuS | 6 FiS
Bonds: Mates (Swanflight)
100/100 HP

Deputy: Crowswoop - Black she-cat with Green eyes
Skill Trees: 6 HuS | 2 FiS
Bonds: None
100/100 HP

Medicine Cat/s: Oakbreeze - Brown tomcat with Yellow eyes
Skill Trees: 6 FoS | 6 HeS
Bonds: None
100/100 HP

Warrior/s: Swanflight - White she-cat with Blue eyes
Skill Trees: 6 HuS | 1 FiS
Bonds: Mates (Sunstar)
100/100 HP

Mossycloud - Grey tomcat with Amber eyes
Skill Trees: 3 HuS | 5.5 FiS
Bonds: None
100/100 HP

Cricketspring - Cream tomcat with Copper eyes
Skill Trees: 4 HuS | 6 FiS
Bonds: None
100/100 HP

Mottlefur - Mottled Dark Brown tomcat with Dark Green eyes
Skill Trees: 3 HuS | 5 FiS
Bonds: None
100/100 HP

Bluestorm - Blue tomcat with Gold eyes
Skill Trees: 4 HuS | 5 FiS
Bonds: Mates (Pebbleshade)
100/100 HP

Mosswing - Dark Brown Tabby she-cat with Blue eyes
Skill Trees: 4 HuS | 6 FiS
Bonds: None
100/100 HP

Sandwing - Cream tomcat with Dark Green eyes
Skill Trees: 3 HuS | 2.5 FiS
Bonds: None
100/100 HP

Leapfang - Russet tomcat with Blue eyes
Skill Trees: 6 HuS | 0 FiS
Bonds: None
100/100 HP

Blizzardfern: White she-cat with Green eyes
Skill Trees: 4 HuS | 2 FiS
Bonds: None
100/100 HP

Apprentice/s: None

Queen/s: Pebbleshade - Mottled Tan she-cat with Deep Blue eyes
Skill Trees: 3.5 HuS | 4 FiS
Bonds: Mates (Bluestorm)
100/100 HP

Kit/s: None

Dens: Leader's Den (1/1), Medicine Cat Den (1/5), Warriors' Den (10/12), Apprentices' Den (0/7), Nursery (1/7) | Level 1 Den Expansion

Camp: Level 0

Pelt Colours Unlocked:
Underline = Unlocked
White - Common
Silver - Uncommon
Grey - Common
Dark Grey - Uncommon
Black - Common

Cream - Rare
Tan - Uncommon
Ginger - Common
Russet - Rare

Light Brown - Rare
Brown - Common
Dark Brown - Uncommon

Lilac - Super Rare
Blue - Super Rare

Eye Colours Unlocked:
Yellow - Common
Gold - Rare
Amber - Uncommon
Orange - Common
Copper - Rare

Light Green - Rare
Green - Common
Dark Green - Uncommon

Light Blue - Rare
Blue - Common
Deep Blue - Uncommon

Violet - Super Rare
Ice Blue - Super Rare

Patterns Unlocked:
Tabby - Common
Mackerel Tabby - Common
Ticked Tabby - Uncommon
Classic Tabby - Rare

Spotted - Common
Dappled - Uncommon
Mottled - Rare

Tortoiseshell - Common
Calico - Uncommon

Agouti Tabby - Super Rare
Marbled Tabby - Super Rare

-get 300 herbs

Allies: StemClan, MorningClan

Enemies: None

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