Rascal and Russell

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Rascal's POV~ Russell had returned from Earth, "why did you let her go?" I asked him, he looked at me and said "she was too smart, and besides did you see her run? She must be very strong and useful we need to keep her and her friends from not suspecting to question everything". I looked at him with the jar of jelly in my hand and a spoon in the other, and I explained that the other goons Brute, Brooha, and Ulric were gonna eat it all of it if I didn't first. He glared at me asking what about him, I told him to get himself some. "Anyway, he said tomorrow is yo-" I glared and said, "Nope, I will go to observe, I don't like doing that stuff  or you can go fight the Glitter Force yourself." He glared at me, and I said "you know that I won't do that, so I will go with you and observe." He mumbled something about being stubborn and agreed.

~Time skip~

*at Earth with the Glitter Force*
Your POV~ The girls explain that they are the Glitter Force, their names, superhero's that save Earth from evil and that they were was 4 Generals of Bad End... Blah. Blah. Blah. And then all of you feel that presence again. The girls ran outside and you follow, once again  there's purple in the air and sad stuff that people are saying.  The girls transform with Emily leading, Russell is back... But this time he brought a friend that.. LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE HIM. You stare in shock and think 'except he's a little cuter' then you realize what you thought and made sure you didn't say or out loud, 'what am I thinking!? He's got to be the enemy! Right?!'

Rascal's POV~ I catch her staring at me and she very quickly looks away, a little pink in the face. Russell is tearing up the Glitter Force, and she watches and starts to get the look of fear in her eyes, I feel bad. The Russell turns towards her, but doesn't do anything, he looks at Glitter Breeze, I swear I saw a flash of guilt in his eyes, he was just about to finish them. Then the psycho girl ran in front of her friends trying to protect them. I giggled softly and said "this is why you lose every time because when they make a new friend you teed her off by messing with them and she tries to defend them and becomes a Glitter Force warrior."

Russell's POV~ After what Rascal said I was kinda flipped off, so I went for the Glitter Force anyway, next thing I knew the girl with purple hair was flying in air with a purple beam and feathers surrounding her "oh no... " I murmured, Rascal chuckled softly "I told you.... "

Your POV~ you were flying in air...yep you were. A pact appears in front of you "you know what to do, you have seen it many times by now." I look up and see the twin, not Russell, he smiled down at me and I felt my cheeks get warm. I could feel my face on fire, I just hope it isn't that red. So I did what the other girls did, "here I go, insert glitter charm! Glitter Force Makeover~Glitter Puff, apply shades of power~ Glitter Bands! Glitter Boots! The waves of mystery! ..... Hmph~ The Mysterious power inside of you... A never ending song! I'm Glitter Jynx!

Rascal's POV~ I look at her and feel a little red, she has some- wait no-no a lot of fire in her. I see a flash and everybody is looking at her now glowing microphone she was holding earlier, after a lot of blinding light it was made of crystal, a very legendary weapon. I have never seen it myself, it was very rare and no other Glitter Force warrior has ever wielded it.

Your POV~ the girls were staring at me, then my microphone started to glow, then turn to crystal it had a now very long rod as a handle had what looked like a pair of angel wings surrounding the mouthpiece,  there were gems around it making it sparkle. Then out of nowhere my pact thingy started to glow, Candy called out "yes it's supposed to do that,  focus all of your spirit into the Glitter Pact and use your move!"

Glitter Lucky's POV~ I saw her follow Candy's instruction and said "GLITTER FORCE! SPARKLE~ PSYCHIC!" Next thing I knew she went flying and started to squeal, but held on to her microphone,  from which a very powerful light purple beam was shooting from. She got up and Russell and the other one both put up their shields, Jynx's Sparkle Psychic took a minute but it broke Russell's shield and he went flying and fell on the ground in pain. Meanwhile the other one was smart and moved out of the way, "what's your name? " I heard Glitter Jynx ask. He smiled at her (her cheeks got pink?!) and he said "I am Rascal, you have heard different from my brother. I am Rascal, he is Russell, my *ahem* Little Brother." Russell groaned and said "Shut up. " And disappeared in a flurry of cards

Your POV~ After introducing himself Rascal looks at all of you, "it was nice meeting you! " And he disappeared in a flurry of golden cards.

Good job! Here's your reward

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