His words of future

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~time skip final battle~

The girls stare at you for spacing off, and in response you keep spacing off. "HELLO GLITTER JYNX WE ARE STILL FIGHTING HERE, WHO ARE YOU GONNA GO AFTER?" you stare at her and say "I wait to be chosen, I don't choose." You hear a squeal and Lucky gets punched in the face by Ulric "LUCKY!"~"... . I'm o.. . Okay..."  Her forehead was slightly red, you reply "that's gonna leave a mark". "Fine I'll double team with Lucky" You instantly pin Ulric down with ease, the problem was keeping him down he struggled and struggled and was very strong, you realize that of you wanna keep him down your gonna need everybody's help but there was only a very injured Glitter Lucky. After a couple of minutes Ulric throws you off and you flip of the wall to land on your feet, instead of tripping and falling. "Ulric, I will handle her, because even though you have powered up you still can't seem to take Glitter Jynx down." Someone said with a simple voice, unlike his little brothers whom's was more high pitch. I turn around and see Rascal standing there, I feel my face pink but I tried to look tough, while the other girls were staring everyone suddenly screamed "SHIP YEP SHIP OF THE YEAR" We stare at the girls then we glance at each other and then it was very very awkward. I could really feel my face on fire now, I tried to hide it but -um- impossible. I glanced at Rascal out of the corner of my eye and saw that his face was surprising the almost excact same shade of red ~i couldn't tell of it was by anger or in agreement. I heard and saw something moving very quickly and I turn around just in time to defend myself, Russell tried to pull a sneak attack on me. "Why do you still fight? You know it is too late, you know you will lose. Don't even bother and you will be saved and others will too" He looked at Rascal as he said the final part, you panicked trying to figure out what he meant. "Russell and I will be turned to ink to give Emperor Nogo energy, and if he is defeated we will just be back to our regular forms, with less power" Well that answered the question in your mind
"Oh sorry I forgot, very very weak, like it will look like we came from Hell and back." Nope don't wanna deal with that at all. So then you realized if you stop fighting for good you could protect everyone......

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