Euphoria's Last Shot and Secret

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Candy's POV~ I saw what happened to Sunny and that was terrifying, then I heard what Rascal said and then saw Jynx's eyes, and really freaked out. A minute or two later I saw -or felt- a glow behind me, I turned around to see a lot of gold, starting with a halo. 

Your POV~ You look behind the pixie and see what looked like Queen Euphoria, "I thought she was dead." you say bleakly. In reply, Rascal and everyone else nod their heads -well the Shadow Realm did- "She was NOT dead." Glitter Spring said, in quite confusion or anger. or both. Euphoria rose almost the same height as Nogo, she looked worried as she laid her golden eyes on you. "She has a lot of hair" you and the rest of the Shadow Realm say in unison, then Nogo began to speak.

Nogo's POV~ "ah Euphoria, I see that you are alive." I say in a little anger, the look on her face was priceless as she looked and the brand new Glitter Jynx, powerful and ready to fight. Then she turned to my oldest son, Rascal, her face then became even more priceless as I said, "Now don't you see what love can do to you?" Jynx gave me a death glare that actually surprised me and even gave me the creeps, then Rascal also glared, a look in which could kill. Euphoria was silent and then said, "yes, love can cause you to make rash decisions, but that doesn't mean it's not worth fighting for." I was tired of her softness and love and friendship, so then a launched a powerful beam of negative energy, but unfortunately she knew what was coming and countered it with a golden beam. The powers met in the middle and never moved, until there was a small break in her power, I was able to let it almost hit her but she deflected it.

Your POV~ There was a small break in the Queens power, but she deflected it and it headed straight towards the Shadow Realm's Blood Red Moon, "Let's set this Moon shall we?" Euphoria said. You sprinted as fast as you could towards the Crystal Microphone, as you struggle to pull it out of the ground then you felt sudden urge to protect the Shadow Realm as the beam started hitting the moon with The Queen protected. The Microphone came out with ease at this urge, then it turned dark purple, like the negative energy, you run to the highest point there is and fire a dark energy at Queen Euphoria's beam. Your beam easily overpowers hers and the beam hits the mirror shattering it, as you are trying to repair the moon, she fires another shot at you, as your hand comes up in front of your face a lavender beam comes out of it, once again way too easily overpowering Her Majesty. Right then and there the rest of the Glitter Force decides to help the Queen, they fire their Miracle Burst at your beam as you try to keep steady, but instead you end up almost losing you balance but manage to regain it. Rascal decides to go up there and help you as the rest of The Shadow Realm watches, doing nothing, he jumps up where you are and steadies you as you almost fall over. Queen Euphoria screams, "please don't do this Glitter Jynx, Rascal. Please do not fight against us we are your allies!"  You start to let your guard down when she said this, but it backfired, the rest of the Glitter Force noticed and they put extra energy into their Burst, as the beam hits you in the stomach you scream and fall backwards, Rascal barely had enough time to catch you and defend himself at the same time. Everyone gasps and a golden shield appears in front of both of you one that he had conjured, his eyes are wide as saucers as he tries to make sense of what is currently a GOLDEN SHIELD right in front of him. As the girls add extra pressure to their Burst, the shield doesn't even crack Rascal hold you in his arms as you breathe heavy still recovering from the shot the girls gave you. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you anywhere else?" with worried eyes he checks around you to make sure you aren't hurt anymore than you are already. He notices some scratches and bruises on you and narrows his eyes in murderous way, you feel a little bit of fear as his eyes turn red he looks at the Glitter Force, then Queen Euphoria and said, "Why should we listen to you if you are willing hurt us? or willing to let others hurt us?" He spoke this with his voice thick, his eyes were full of pure hatred, like he wanted to hurt someone. "There are some things you wonder sometimes yes? Like how you managed to put up that Golden Shield when you were from the Shadow Realm? Or Glitter Jynx, how you are so powerful and able to overpower the Glitter Force and I? Combined? Please you two I have answers, you might believe me but I do. Please just tell me you will stop fighting." With raised eyebrows Rascal motioned at the Glitter Force, Queen Euphoria motioned for them to stop and they slowly did with doubt on their faces, he slowly put down the shield but kept you behind him as if the protect you.

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