The new popular and strong boy.

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The girls were right. You literally had to drag Rascal until he agreed to obey

y/n- come on hurry up!

Rascal- fine! but you forced me into this!

y/n- you don't even have to do anything!

Rascal- yeah right

y/n- c'mon! it'll be fun!

Rascal- mhm. 'til I get stared at.

y/n- I didn't care what-

Rascal- that is different, you actually know me.

You make it to school and he automatically gets stared at. Rascal gives you the 'I told you so' look and decides to teleport in a dark corner, alone. The stupid blondie Sabrina was staring at him, he glared back and she looked away. Then that Sabrina started to chat with her minions, but you could hear what they were talking about and growled. You walk over to Rascal and start trying to cheer him up.

y/n- can leave if you-

Rascal- nope. now that you say I can leave, I don't want to.

y/n- you are so stubborn.

Lily- I'm sorry for making you fall out of the window...

Rascal- you are apolo-


Lily- huh? what did I do to you?

y/n- you scared me, which caused me to throw my notebook, which then caused the notebook to hit Rascal in the face, which then-

You stop when you hear his name being thrown around by Sabrina and her crew, Rascal notices too and snaps his head their direction giving them the death look. After that they talk very quietly in hoped that he didn't hear them, but you can hear them.

Sabrina- his name is Rascal huh?

Brianna- that's what I got out of that...

Genevie- yeah...don't mind the name....just look at him....

All three of them- he's mine! eh?!


Genevie and Brinna- were so sorry Sabrina! We had accidently stepped out of line! *bows very dramatically*

Sabrina- you better be...


Sabrina- What?! oh. it's the loser.

y/n- look who's talkin'! your grades aren't helping you either!


y/n- realize nerd means 'smart' right? You don't like smart people do you?

Sabrina- NO I DO NOT!

y/n- oh. that explains why you love yourself so much!

April and Kelsey- sick burn!

Everyone except for Sabrina and her crew- *laughing*

Sabrina and her crew- what?

Rascal- you really are slow. she just called you stupid and you didn't realize it.

Sabrina- huh? how?

Everyone- I give up.

After that everything went normal, Rascal just hung outside the whole day. When it was over Sabrina tried to talk to him

Sabrina- h-

y/n and Rascal- no.

She pouted and walked away when you hear a male voice yell


Rascal- eh? *turns around* what?

Daniel- yeah! you!

Boys- Yeah! fight to death! yeah!

Rascal- what?

Daniel- we have a tradition here at this school, every new boy who comes here has to fight me, the strongest, whoever wins is best and no one has won against me so far.

Rascal- I would rather not...

Daniel- WHAT?! COWARD!

Rascal- you didn't let me finish, I said I would rather not...fight a weakling who is gonna lose.

y/n- RaScAl WhAt ArE yOu DoInG?!

Rascal- trust me.

Daniel- oh! so you will fight! okay!

Rascal- didn't I make this abundantly clear?! I DO NOT  FIGHT WEAKLINGS! YOU ARE A WEAKLING!


Rascal- it's not smack if I can back it up.

Daniel- then attempt to back it up will ya!?

Rascal- I warned you.

A whistle blows and it begins, in the end Rascal made it out without a scratch. Daniel was laying on the floor all beat and bruised, you stare and the scratch less Rascal, and the beaten Daniel, then realize that Rascal was right when he said to trust him. He had won and was officially better, and to be fair he did warn Daniel, so it wasn't that wrong, and Daniel did start the fight by literally asking for it. Rascal stood over Daniel in a very intimidating way, which sparked a lot of fear in him. His eyes were wide as he basically begged for mercy, when Daniel begged for mercy the other boys knew not to mess with Rascal and to also back down. Rascal laughed in amusement as he watched Daniel get really scared.

Rascal- I am not laughing to be mean, or evil, I am laughing because just a minute ago you were popping off with the mouth, and now that you got your ass kicked, you are pleading to not get killed. Tell me, how did all of that talking work on your part?

Daniel- I will do anything just don't hurt me anymore unless I ask for it or deserve it!

Rascal- hmmm maybe....

Daniel- P-Please!

Rascal- I'm just teasing! Get up.

All of the girls- woahhhh he is powerful!

Rascal- up. before I give you a reason to stay down.

Daniel- o-okay

By the time Daniel is up Rascal is standing next to you, which is where Daniel looked next, he looked at you and gave the 'control your friend' look, you respond with a 'you asked for it' look. All you saw were all of the girls staring at Rascal, you give them death glares but they can't quite see, or they ignore you. You growl and walk away with Rascal and the Glitter Force following you, there was rage in your head for every girl watching his every move.

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