Chapter 3: Home

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"Hello Richie, how was practice?"

Ringo closed the front door and kicked his shoes off, not needing to look to his right to know who was looking at him.

"Ended early, honey."

Maureen raised an eyebrow.


Ringo sighed lightly as he made his way past Maureen and sat on the couch.


"Why, that's the fourth time this month that it's happened."

Maureen went to grab the television remote from the coffee table.

"Here, just watch something to get it off of your mind."


Ringo looked around for a bit, only now noticing how quiet it was. Usually, his two children would be playing when he got home.

"And... where's Zak and Jason?"

Maureen rubbed the back of her head.

"They both got sick this morning... after you left..."


Now it made sense why it was so quiet. 

Zak and Jason were most likely in their beds, sleeping the day away. Ringo figured that that was for the best. 

Despite how much he wanted to see them, he knew that it was for the best for them not to be disturbed.

"So..." Ringo started as he turned the television on, "they just get a cold?"

Maureen sat down next to him.


Something about her voice made Ringo feel uncomfortable.

Was she finally catching onto something?

"Ay, Richie?"


"Can I... um, ask you something?"

Even though he knew all too well where the conversation was going, Ringo replied.


Maureen looked away from him for a moment, seemingly nervous to continue.

"Have you... I mean..."

Ringo was not surprised when Maureen let out a sigh.

"How have... you been f-feeling about yourself lately?"

It was the exact question that Ringo was fearing that Maureen would ask. 

He lowered his head for a moment.

"W-why do you ask?"

Ringo already knew Maureen's answer. She was catching on to his situation.

"I-it's just that... you s-seem to be keeping to yourself a lot lately, and... I don't know, but... you just seem sad."

"I-it's nothing too bad..." Ringo lied.

Maureen looked at him as she moved over to him.

"Listen, Richie, I j-just wanted to make sure-"

She was interrupted when Ringo wrapped an arm around her.

"Everything's fine. But, I s-suppose that all their arguing is... well, if you have to listen to it day after day... It just gets to you, you know?"

Maureen leaned up against him, and Ringo appreciated the gesture.

He didn't want Maureen to know just how empty he felt. He knew that that would only make her more worried.

"I know."

Maureen nuzzled up against Ringo's neck, making the drummer sigh a little. The two shared a brief kiss.

"W-when's the next session?"

Ringo thought for a moment before answering.

"Two days from now."

Ringo looked down at Maureen, who now had her head resting against his chest. He wrapped his arms around here as they both stared at the television, which was playing a show that they both hadn't seen in a long time.

The attention that Ringo was getting from his wife did satisfy a part of his desires, but it did nothing to help with the growing void in his heart.

He wanted to tell Maureen just how much he was suffering, but something within him kept him from doing it.

Ringo couldn't identify what it was.

Maybe not having to go to the studio tomorrow is for the best.

He couldn't imagine having to deal with another day of arguing and fighting, even though he was used to it.

Gently, Ringo ran his hand through Maureen's hair, feeling how soft it was.

At least, he still had her to fall back on, even if he couldn't tell her everything.

Zak and Jason could wait for now. Ringo didn't want to disturb them while they were sick, mostly because he wanted them to feel as comfortable as they could.

After all, they were most likely sleeping by now. Ringo could just check on them tomorrow.

Sighing, Ringo stared down at Maureen for a moment.

She would miss him if...

Ringo shook his head, stopping the thought in its tracks.

He looked back up at the television, barely paying attention to the show.

All of the drama between his friends certainly had taken their toll on him, but there was no way that he would go that far.


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