Chapter 8: Not Noticed

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"Ugh. This is the last straw!"

Ringo didn't even know how long they were playing before someone decided to go off task.  He didn't know if it was George or Paul this time, but regardless, a sigh still escaped his lips.

John took in a long breath, closing his eye as he set down his guitar.

"Listen," He started, and Ringo was taken aback by his calm tone, "is it too much to ask that we all can stay in line for just one single song?"

Paul rolled his eyes.

"If you actually consider our ideas for these songs, then maybe."

"I've let you have complete control of many other songs before! I think it's time that I finally have some-"

George stepped forward, glaring.

"What about me!? You two are so focused on yourselves that you don't even care what I want!"

All instruments were on the ground now, and Ringo knew just what was about to happen.

"Listen Paul! This is getting old!"

"No, you listen! You think you're so much more important than the rest of us! I mean, sometimes I think that you care more about Yoko than you do me!"

"Don't you dare bring her into this!"

John's hands clenched into fists as he stepped in front of Paul. George stood next to Paul, looking just as angry.

"I don't think she's that good anyway! I mean, eating my biscuits behind my back!? Yeah, sure, she's perfect!"

"You can just buy more, George! Besides, I always thought you ate too much anyway!"


The sound of Paul's hand hitting John across the face made Ringo jump back a bit.

It was silent.

John stepped back, staring at Paul, who breathed heavily.

"You j-just care about her and yourself, huh!? What!? Can't deal with the fact that you can't always be the boss around here!?"

John tilted his head, squinting his eyes.

"Maybe it's because she doesn't argue about every little thing that I have her do."

"Well, Lennon, we all make our own music here, not just you!"

The two stepped closer to each other, George staying back while glaring at John.

Ringo lowered his head as the room erupted in yelling as his three friends all shouted angrily at each other. He couldn't identify what they were saying, but the voices pierced through his mind and sunk into his heart.

He didn't need to stay today.

Quietly, Ringo placed his drumsticks down and stood up, staring at John, Paul, and George, all of whom were now struggling against each other.

That made Ringo's mind finally fall over the edge.

He couldn't take it anymore.

Silently, he walked past his friends, not even surprised that they didn't notice him. 

Grabbing his coat, he put it on and turned around to take one last glance at his friends.

They all were still fighting against each other, too focused on arguing to notice that Ringo wasn't at his drums.

Ringo sighed.

"They don't even notice me until they need me..."

His voice was quiet, way too quiet to be heard over the loud shouting.

"I guess..."

Ringo paused, turning towards the front door.

"I guess tomorrow will be when I do it. There's no point in holding it off anymore..."

The drummer didn't even glance back one more time as he made his way through the door, quietly closing it so that the rest of The Beatles wouldn't hear it.

The drizzle from earlier in the day had mostly stopped by now, but it was still sprinkling lightly. It was just light enough to still be comfortable.

Maybe, Ringo should go to his place now. 

He knew that tomorrow would be the last time he'll see it, so he might as well have one last normal visit there.

Or, whatever qualified as a normal visit anyway.

Ringo sighed heavily, taking one last look at the studio before he began to walk.

Maureen would believe him if he said that they quit early again.

After all, it was very likely that they would anyway. Ringo knew that for a fact.

Not thinking about what he would do tomorrow, Ringo continued to walk down the sidewalk, completely broken.

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