Chapter 9: Alone

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The ground wasn't nearly as wet as Ringo thought it would be. Still, it brought him little comfort as he walked towards the single tree, not bothering to look down at the flowers.

Now was certainly not the time to get distracted.

Ringo knew that it was only going to be a matter of time before something would push him past his limits. He just wasn't expecting it to happen so soon.

A small part of him had hoped that things wouldn't have to come to this, but the rest of him knew better.

Sighing, Ringo sat down underneath the tree, thankful that the ground was completely dry under it.

"They didn't even notice I left anyway... Too busy destroying each other's lives to care..."

Ringo clasped his hands together in his lap, taking some solace in the much-needed silence. He already knew what he should do tomorrow, so there was no need to worry about that.

However, Ringo could not stop himself from thinking about his family.

Maureen didn't know the severity of his situation, and his kids were oblivious to it, just as he expected.

He wondered exactly how they would act when they find out about...

Ringo sighed again, shaking his head.

"At least that note will... T-tell them that it wasn't their fault..."

That thought lead to another.

How would John, Paul, and George react?

Ringo hated to think about the possibilities, and in truth, he didn't want to do this, but he could only deal with the growing pain for so long.

Doing this would get rid of it, but, in doing so, it would spread off to his friends and family to deal with. 

Taking in a deep breath, Ringo stared down at the ground as tears began forming in his eyes.

There was nothing else he could do.

"M-maybe... I'll j-just leave it at my drum set... Before they get there..."

But, what would happen if his friends arrived early again tomorrow, just like they did today?

That was one thing that Ringo couldn't prepare for, but seeing how bitter they had been towards each other today, then they probably wanted to arrive as late as possible tomorrow.

Tears starting to run down Ringo's cheeks as he remembered why he had come back here in the first place.

"I guess... I guess it truly is over n-now..."

He already knew how to go through with it tomorrow.

He would wake up before his family does, write the note, take the gun that was only supposed to be used for a home invasion, walk to the studio, leave the note there, come back here, and...

One shot.

It would be quick.

The pain wouldn't even be noticeable before...

Ringo took in a breath.

He didn't care about how he would be found, or even who would find him.

Nothing really mattered anymore. Ringo didn't care.

The Beatle looked up at the grey sky for a moment, wondering exactly what his friends were doing now, if they weren't still fighting.

Of course they were fighting. Why should Ringo think otherwise?

Focusing his gaze on the ground again, Ringo began to whimper.

That's all they did now. That's how the day started, and that's how the day ended. Maybe this would break the cycle, but Ringo didn't hold hope for that.

The pain in his heart had become too great to deal with anymore.

This would only serve as an escape.

Ringo let out a small sob as more tears began to roll down his face.

He would have to stay here for some time today. He couldn't bare to go home this soon. Being around other people was the last thing he wanted to do right now.

Ringo had lost himself a long time ago, it wouldn't matter if he tried to avoid doing it tomorrow. He'd just end up pushing it off, day after day, until that eventually gets old.

It was unavoidable.

And Ringo knew that it was necessary.

Underneath that tree in his place of solace, Ringo began to cry, knowing full well that no one could hear him.

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