Chapter 2:The Peculiar

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Type's POV

I went into the bathroom and close the door
* Baammm!*

Type:' My heart was pumping fast when I hug Tharn just now..His body felt so soft and he smell so good that I want to hug him again.When I fall onto his chest back then,I can hear his heart beating fast..Am I falling over for him again?'


Tharn: 'Type...Why are you talking to yourself?'

Type: 'No honey..I was just practicing for my presentation today'

Tharn: 'Type...Did you just call me honey,?'

Type: ' Pretend I didn't call you that..You scumbag..'

Tharn: ' Okay then..You better take your shower fast..You are going to be so late'

Type: ' Yah yah..I am almost done..'

A few minutes later...

* Clink....pammmmmmmm*

I heard a glass breaking sound from the kitchen and I rushed out from the bathroom to see what is happening..

I saw Tharn was shaking and he look somehow in fear. I am so worry that I ran to him and hug him tight. I can hear him crying and saying something weird.

Type: ' Ae Tharn...Tharn..Are you okay honey..hey..can you hear me..??'

Tharn: ' I can see him..he is there..he is..he is..he will hurt me..please me..Type!!..I don want to be hurt..'(pointing his finger to the door)

I looked to where he was pointing and I couldn't see anything...I thought he was just hallucinating and maybe because he is stressed out..I carry Tharn and help him to the bed.I lay him down and try to comfort him.

Type: ' There there baby..Don be one gonna hurt you okay..I am here with you..I will protect you no matter what.'

Tharn: '.....Ty...Type ...please..stay with me..don leave me yet..please..'

Type: ' Yahh..yah..Im here baby..don worry..I will always be with you..'

I then decided to skip classes instead so that I can take care of Tharn.I managed to make him sleep and calm again.Suddenly,my phone rang.

*On the screen,Techno Calling*

Type: ' Yo..wassup..Why are you calling?'

Techno: ' Oi Type...where are you..I've looking for you everywhere..I haven't seen you ass since this morning...'

Type:' I am still at home..I have to take care of Tharn..He was not feeling well this morning'

Techno: ' Auw..Is he okay?..What happened..did he hurt himself..did he sick?'

Type:' Keep your noisy butt off..he is my man..Why do you have to worry about him that much'

Techno:' Aaaauu...He is my friend to..and you are also my friend..I just want to know how is he?..You stingy jealous wifey...(giggled)'

Type: ' How dare you call me wifey..If I can get my hand into this phone..I would definitely strangle you...'

Techno: ' Well..well..ok then..Haaahahaha..I got to go..the class is starting soon..Take good care of you husband naaaa '

Type: ' Isaatt Techno..'

I put down my phone on the drawer and drop myself next to Tharn's bed.I hug him and pat his head so that he feels more comfortable and safe. I am still confuse why is he having such trauma lately..Is there anything happened to him.Maybe I should ask him..or maybe not..No..not is not the right time..He might get worse if I ask now.

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