Meeting the others

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Anna's P.O.V

As we where driving along, it was a very awkward and uncomfortable silence but I didn't care, killing Shaw was all I was thinking about right now.

" Anna we will be arriving at the C.I.A base in 5 minutes, don't be scared they will love you!"Charles said trying to be polite as possible.

"YAY WOO I know they will adore me I'm Anna and fabulous who wouldn't?" I said with a cheeky wink on the end.

They just chuckled and as we turned the corner I saw the C.I.A base it was enormous.

"Don't be shy now, we are here just follow us Anna!" Erik smiled warmly. I just kept quiet and followed on suddenly they stopped which made me fall on my arse.

"You do know if I hurt my butt, you both are paying for butt surgery!" I said still rubbing my bum. I heard chuckling and realised it was full of the other mutants!
"Right, this is Anna Parker a new addition to the team, be nice also this is my sister Raven." Charles stated proudly. The perky blonde came to me and hugged me I did the same and started jumping up and down and raven soon joined in giggling.

"Well that was fun, toodles Charlie toodles E!" I gave the my toothiest grin saying I was okay and trying to freak them out a bit. *CHUCKLES DARKLy IN MIND*

"Okay then, we will be back soon, have fun!"Chuckles waved off.

"Yes another girl, I'm glad come sit and meet Darwin, Angel, Sean, Alex and Hank!" Raven smiled massively.

"Halo my name is Anna of course you knew that! Humph well I like pizza fact 1 of many!" I smiled warmly at the rest of the group.

"Ooooh can we keep her!" Ging...... I mean Sean asks begging the other guys.

"Yes please keep me, I shall be thou entertainment as I am FABULOUS!"I stated loudly, earning laughs ahh I love being a clown but no masks they give me the creepies!

"We should all think of code names! OHHHHH I want to be called Mystique!" Raven Said excitedly.

"Oh darn, I wanted to be called mystique!" Sean said fake pouting. By then I zoned out trying to figure ways to kill Shaw. Until someone clicked their fingers in my face with a chuckle, it was Darwin.

"So what's your mutation Anna?" He questioned everyone else listening intently.

"Ah well I have multiple mutations;; for example I can kinda do what Darwin does but if I think of a material my body will become that material, I am a telepath also super speed, heal very quickly and ah yes I can walk trough things!" I stated very proud of my mutations always have been and always will be!

"Awesome, I think you should be called Extreme!" Raven screamed in excitement.

"I like it!" I said with a small smile,

"Show us one of your mutations please Anna!" Sean or shall I say banshee asked. I nodded at got up. I walk out of the window that Banshee broke walked in the middle of it and turned my body to fire and fried it. I got a bunch of ohs and ahs.

"LETS PARTYYYYY !" Raven screamed and we all joined in I was a little tipsy oops that's until I heard someone shout.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, WHO DESTROYED THE STATUE!" The angry little woman demanded.

"Alex and Anna!" Hank ratted us out!

"No we call them Havok and Extreme now!" Raven said slightly giddy off alcohol.

"WAIT, hold the phone, who are you? Mrs Judy Moody?"I said chilled like a hippie.

"IM MORIA, now clean this up!"Moody snapped

"HEY HEY, I know it might be your time of the month again but chill dude we are having fun!"I said laughing my head off every one chuckled quietly while Charles look disappointed in Raven, plus I read his mind, as he spoke;
"Im very disappointed in you Raven!"

"It was my idea, you know me, I'm awesome and getting drunk helps with socialising, soz chuckles." I said
sticking up for Raven like she did earlier.

They all stormed off.

"Thanks for sticking up for me Anna!"raven sighed sadly

"No probs sis!" I said with a warm bear hug.


Every body was doing their own thing, I say upside down on the sofa





"What the hell?" Darwin questioned as he opened the curtain we saw dead bodies drop raven and angel screamed but I stayed calm following the rest.
"Get back the guard said as we got out of the room"

"No we can help!" Darwin protested but they guards still said no just the. An explosion went of and we got back in the room as quickly as possible on each side of the glass there was Riptide? And Azazel? That only means one thing and he came thorough the door. Shaw.

"I am not here to harm you but for you to join my side be kings....... And queens" Shaw said as he held his hand out for angel and she took it I knew she was a bitch!

"Stop, I'm coming with you!" Darwin said I knew his plan and it wasn't going to end well so I knew I had to do something.

Darwin suddenly screamed 'ALEX' but Shaw absorbed the power

"Adapt to this" Shaw said smugly. But before he got to Darwin I super sped over and instead of it going down Darwin it went down me, little did Shaw know he made me immortal by experiments.

"Ah little Anna Parker! Poor thing o thought you would of last longer!" That's what he said before he disappeared.

"NO, it was supposed to be me!"Darwin screamed as I fell and 'died' as I did I telepathically sent Charles a message saying that they will say I'm dead but I'm not my body is unconscious and not to tell the others when he finds my body!

Third Persons P.O.V

As Charles and Erik arrived at base they do all the intros.

"Charles, Anna's dead and we can't bury her and she saved  Darwin's life, we can't give up!"Sean points out!

After all the information swapped Charles gets Anna's body which he found and hid it in the car before any one saw!
---------------------- a/n-----------------
Hey honeybunches!xoxo

Hope you enjoy the story so far

I kept Darwin cause he seems cool! Don't judge :P

Next time creatures :*

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