Finn Shelby - Sorry.

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How did it all go so wrong? Why couldn't Finn just be Finn? Why did he have to go and act like his brothers? Why was it you that had to have your heart broken?

You and Finn Shelby were inseparable since you met which was at the grand age of 5. You both lived on Watery Lane, you were a very outgoing 5 year old who loved making new friends and playing with boys. You weren't like the other girls that lived on the lane. You weren't scared to get your dress dirty and you certainly loved picking up the worms that were in the mud and holding them. You had 3 brothers so you were used to the rough playing, you enjoyed making your brother's eat dirt when you got play fighting. Everyone on the lane loved you. You would always say hello to them. You would stand on Mrs. James concrete bench which was outside her kitchen window and spend hours watching her cook and talking to her. You had (Y/C/H) that were either in pigtails or left down. You had freckles that scattered your face as if someone had held a paintbrush full of paint and gently tapped the brush causing spatters of brown to scatter your face. You had a big goofy smile that would make anyone smile.

It was a hot summers day and you were playing with your friend Isiah when you heard a young boy around your age crying. You being the nosey child decided to head in the direction of where the crying had came from. When you stumbled across a young ginger boy with a face full of freckles and the bluest eyes you had ever seen. "Hello are you ok?" You asked. The boy looked up with big puffy red eyes. "No I have no one to play with, no one likes me because of who I am" he replied. That made you very sad. "My name's (Y/N) and this is my friend Isiah we are looking for someone to play with, you can come with us if you like." The boy smiled " Really?" He asked , to which you nodded very eagerly. "My name is Finn... Finn Shelby". You had heard about the horrors that the Shelby's had done but you weren't scared about that. "Well Finn what would you like to play?". You all ended up playing down the lane. At first it was a running race then it was hop scotch. All of you were very thirsty, Finn had invited you to go to his and get a drink of water to which you agreed.

"FINN SHELBY IF YOU KEEP IN AND OUT THAT FUCKING DOOR IM GOING TO CHOP YOUR HANDS OFF" His Aunt Polly shouted. You laughed so loud at her words as it reminded you of what your mum would shout when you and your brother's would run in and out of the house just to annoy her. The woman's head snapped so fast you thought she had broke her neck. Then there was 8 pairs of eyes looking at you. "Sorry Aunt Pol we were playing and got thirsty so we've come in for some water" Finn spoke up. "Who are they?" The older looking boy with a moustache asked with a glare. You guessed it was Arthur people said he was an animal that could never be tamed. "Hi I'm (Y/N) one of Finn's friends, sorry to intrude but we were thristy and my house is at the end of the lane and my brother brought his new woman around and I don't want to scar these boys with the noise they make, they are at it like rabbits my mum says" you replied which made all of them choke on their drinks. Arthur, Tommy and John all let out a chuckle at your comment. From that comment everyone loved you and knew that you and Finn would become best friends. "I hope you don't mind but I'm hungry I would go back but I think my brother is doing the eating at the moment " this caused another round of laughs. "Well my darling we have some bread, would you like some?" Polly asked. " Yes please miss" you replied a smile appearing on Polly's face. "Please call me Polly" she replied as she handed you a piece of bread. You gladly excepted the bread and decided to climb on John's lap to eat it. What you didn't know was that as Finn was watching you eating he felt upset that you were say on John's lap. That night all the boys decided to walk you home to ask your mum if you could stay for dinner to which she said yes. You laughed and smiled and from that night on the Shelby's would treat you like a sister.

When you grew up the friendship between you and Finn blossomed. He would look at you like you were the moon and stars and you would look at home like he was your everything. The Shelby's noticed along with your family and they were happy. They were always betting that you would get married by the age of 20 and you both would have 5 kids by the age of 30. You both would laugh at the ideas but on the inside your hearts would swell and your bellies would be full of butterflies. You both loved each other and you both knew that your relationship was past just being friends but you would never act upon it. You were waiting for one another to say it but it wasn't that easy.

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