Arthur Shelby- Dreaming.

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"Do you remember when I met you at the restaurant?" Arthur asked as you slightly chuckled led against his sweaty, naked chest due to your previous activities. "Yes, I do remember , you could tell straight away I was no debutante even though I was dressed up very smartly" you answered truthfully. You loved nights like this, you and Arthur snuggled up at night just holding each other and talking about old times. You rarely got these moments and you cherished them. You and Arthur had been together for about 7 years now and you would never ever forget your first date with him. "If I remember correctly you asked me whats my pleasure a movie or a measure, Mr. Shelby and I answered I'll have a cup of tea and tell you of my dreaming" He chuckled and snuggled up to you. "You never did like that place did you (Y/N)" "Dreaming is free , dreaming, dreaming is free" You would always quote to Arthur. You were never with Arthur for the lavish life or the adrenaline of the gangster world and you definitely weren't with him for his money. You had come from a poor family, but you had the best childhood and life with little to no money. 

"I dont want to live on charity was the first thing you told me when I gave you that £20 to get your dress, you wanted to buy that dress with your own money, thats when I realised you werent like all the other girls (Y/N) they would of jumped at the chance to take the money" " We would always talk about the pleasure of life and you would always say Pleasures real or is it fantasy? I never knew what you were on about and I still dont" You played the hurt act by dramatically clutching at your chest with a mocked shocked expression, while failing very fast by laughing. "Arthur we could make up our own world by dreaming, we could be the king and queen or the prince and princess, dreaming is what got me through, I would dream that in my torn rags I was a princess like in the stories and I was waiting for my prince charming to sweep me off my feet, but the only problem was that I never dreamt he'd puke over me first" You laughed at the memory. 

People would stop and stare at me walking around in different old dresses , shocked that Y/N Arthur Shelby's girlfriend was not walking around in the latest fashion or the most expensive clothing that money had to buy, because after all everyone knew the Shelby's made a lot of money. But you two would just walk on by, just keep on dreaming, living in your own fantasy. You would walk two-miles just to meet Arthur always meeting him at the turnstile. You had never met Arthur properly before you started dating. You had only met Arthur when Tommy and John were walking him out of The Garrison as he got so drunk that he couldn't stand up properly. You had only undone the door when a very drunk Arthur smiled at you. "Hello" was all you said to the Shelby boys, who were clearly struggling to hold Arthur or even carry him for that reason. "Would you like some help?" You offered. Both boys agreed so you held Arthur round the waist, he was very pleased to say the least. You were very surprised when as soon as your hand came into contact with his waist, he got an erection, you were more shocked that he could get it up especially with how bad of alcohol he smelt of. Tommy chose to turn a blind eye, while John sniggered and chose to torment Arthur with it walking back. "Your very pretty" Arthur mumbled all the way back to Polly's house you chose just to smile back at him. You had managed to make a 5 minute walk into a 25 minute walk as Arthur kept stopping to look at you. When you had managed to get him in to the house, you seated him in a chair that was by the fire. You checked that he was ok, as you went to go Arthur grabbed your wrist, so you crouched down so you could hear him, as he went to open his mouth instead of talking he ended up puking all over you. From that night on you never forgot Arthur, not just because of him puking but also him puking all over your wage package making you throw it away because no matter how hard you scrubbed or washed it you couldn't get the wet patches out of the dress and the smell never went away. 

You would always dream about Arthur. Sometimes you would dream about Arthur for a while sometimes for hours. You two would go for little romantic walks when you got the chance, your favourite place was the cut, it was so peaceful and idyllic place. When Arthur was at work, and you had the day off you would always sit down at the cut and watch the river flow, sometimes just standing on the corner and watching the traffic flow through the streets of Small Heath, watching the children playing and laughing watching mothers interacting , making a fuss over the little babies that were in their arms. Imaging something of your own, something to have and to hold with Arthur. A little boy or girl that would wake you up by kissing you on the cheek or sat waiting at the door for their father to come home, while you stood at the stove cooking his tea, or even baking with that child. You would even just build a road in gold just to having some dreaming because after all dreaming is free, dreaming , dreaming is free.


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