Isiah Jesus- My Girl.

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Isiah stormed into The Garrison that night with a face of thunder. "Hey Isiah, what's up?" Michael asked. "Y/N's mad at me". Michael smirked knowing that his best mate was in the dog house. "Why she mad?". "Well the other night she asked me if we would go and watch the movie at the cinema, and I didn't really want to go out so I suggested that we could stay in and just sleep instead, and then she went mental on me accusing me of having enough of her". Michael just nodded and kept agreeing to what Isiah was saying. Filling his drink up every now and again. "Isiah, I know you want my honest opinion you and Y/N have hardly had a night out in ages with Tommy keep phoning you up and making you run errands for him, she probably does think you have enough of her because when you get home you go upstairs and just sleep." Isiah nodded soaking in what Michael was telling him, and downing his whiskey and agreeing. "But why cant she see shes lovely to me, but I like to stay in every now and then and just spend time with her". "Why dont you just try phoning her and explaining" Michael suggested.

So thats what Isiah done, he got up and went to work waiting for Tommy to give him a break so he could phone you at work and explain his reasons. See after you told Isiah that you thought he had enough of you, you stormed out and headed to (Y/B/N), as you and your brother had an unbreakable bond , you knew that he would welcome you with open arms whenever you knocked the door even if it was 3 A.M. The time finally rolled around when Tommy told Isiah that he could take a break. Isiah headed over to Michaels office so he could use Michaels phone in the office. Isiah nervously dialled your work number and waited for you to come to the phone. "Hello (Y/N) I was just phoning so we could talk about the other night, I wanted to explain that I haven't had enough of you". "Well you could of tricked me Isiah, one time I asked you if we could go out, and you didn't want to because you were tired, Isiah Billy  takes Shirley out to the pictures whenever she asks and he works for the same man and does the same hours that you do and he never complains that hes tired. Just tell me Isiah you've had enough of me now your a Peaky Blinder you dont want any odd girl hanging off your arm, you want to be seen with the most gorgeous woman hanging off your arm, someone with class and the most up to date fashion with some amazing job, not me someone who has a boring job and normally wears rags." "No Y/N I dont want that, why are you thinking like that? Why are you even thinking like that?" 

All you done was sigh down the phone. Isiah knew you were mad at him as you had been on the phone for an hour and had hardly said a word after Isiah had spoke. But Isiah was also mad as he hardly got a word in, why couldn't he explain to you why he felt the pain of your madness that was directed at him because everything he said, to him it seemed like you didn't understand. The one trait that annoyed Isiah was that you took everything the wrong way if it sounded like he was angry at you.  You had to hang up when your boss was getting inpatient with you. 

That night when you had finished work, to your surprise Isiah was stood waiting with a bunch of roses. "I'm sorry Isiah, I should of never blown up at you the way I did. But you had to understand how I felt." Isiah nodded and apologised, so you two walked back to your brothers place, both talking about your day. When you reached your brothers front door you took Isiah by surprise when you asked Isiah if you could stay with him tonight. He nodded immediately and waited for you to get your overnight clothes and toothbrush as you didn't have clothes at Isiah's house considering you two had been together for about 3 years. Everyone of your and Isiah's friends thought it was weird that you weren't living together as most of them moved in with their boyfriends after 6 months, but you and Isiah didn't care. Both of you talking for hours tht night sorting everything out. 

But then the next morning arrived and you had woken up late as it was your day off work, but for soem strange reason you were mad at Isiah for not waking you up earlier. So when he got home that night you were cold with him, only kissing his cheek and only letting him hold you if you wanted to be held which you really didn't. To say Isiah was confused was an understatement, just the other night you had talked and talked until the early morning sorting everything out making sure you were both on the same page. Isiah didn't say anything that night. Instead he waited until the morning.

Isiah was very concerned about you, it was soo unlike you to have mood swings. He was used to you being very hormonal each month due to "lady leaks" Isiah like to call it. But it was a constant mood swing with him. He went to the only motherly figure in his life right now since his mother passed away. He went to Polly and asked if she knew. "I'll go and see her and check that she is ok, maybe her hormones are playing up? I got like that when I was younger its the perks of being a lady". Isiah nodded feeling more relieved that it was normal and nothing to wonder about. 

But little did Isiah know that that day you had made a doctors appointment to see if they had any explanation as to why you were mad all the time. That night you waited for Isiah to come home so you could talk. The time rolled around pretty fast and before you know it, it was 2:30 AM. "Isiah can we please talk I have something I need to tell you" You asked slightly patting the spot next to you in the bed. "I've been in such a mood recently and I've taken it out on you and I feel so so guilty you dont realise how bad I feel and not to mentioned how bad I must of made you feel". You took a deep breath as you started to tear up just thinking about how you must of made Isiah feel. "So I went to the doctors today just to see if it was my hormones and if there was anything they could give me to balance the hormones out." "Right, what have they given you?" Isiah asked wearily, trying to see if you had a bottle hidden in your hand. "Well Isiah... I ermm.... I'm pregnant" you chocked out. There was a short silence and your heart was racing rapidly. "My girl, were going to have a baby" Isiah screamed with a massive grin on his face. "Does that explain your mood swings?" All you did was nod. "Here was me thinking my girl was mad at me" He chuckled making you laugh as well.

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