You Get a Pet

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Cole: You and Cole have been living together for about a few months now and have talked about getting a dog because Cole doesn't want you to be alone when he's away for work. So the two of you take the days off of work and head to the dog pound. It's kind of a weird feeling to walk around looking at all these sad puppies and dogs. Finally, the two of you stop at one dog in particular. On the sign it tells you that her name is Luna and she is a little Yorkshire Terrier. When you were little you only wanted a Yorkie as a dog but never got one. "Oh my god she is so cute and she's only three! Cole! Please? We have to get her! Luna? That's the cutest name ever." You begin to pull on his arm like a little kid and continue to whine, "Please? Please? Please? Please?" "Fine, let's talk to someone about adopting her." Two days later she's in your house getting comfortable in the new bed you two bought for her.

Gabe: You and Gabe just bought a baby white highland terrier from a couple who couldn't take care of her anymore. We renamed her Batgirl (well Gabe renamed her and I just went along with it) because Gabe's other dogs are Bathman and Robin so he wants to keep the batman theme going. Honestly, I think it's cute that he wants to and I'm not going change her name. Gabe is on the floor with the little highland while he is prouncing on top of him. He is literally the sweetest thing ever and it is so cute to see him playing with Batgirl. The smile on his face just makes you feel proud to be his girlfriend so automatically begin to film this cute moment and then post it onto Vine and call it, "Just got a new puppy and Gabe is LOVING her! #jealous"

Dana: Dana and the rest of IM5 is about to go on tour in a few weeks and you want to get him something special before he leaves. How about a pet? It's not something exactly 'for him' but it's something for the two of you. Why not? "Hi, can I help you?" A women at the pet store walks up to me while I'm looking at the fish. "Yes hi, I'm looking for a pet for my boyfriend." "You want to get him a fish?" I laugh a little bit. "No. I was thinking about a kitten or puppy or bunny." "Oh well we have three kittens in the back of our store who are looking for a home right now. Would you like to go see them?" "Yeah that sounds great actually." The two of you head to the back of the store and look at the three kittens in the cage. All three of them are orange and black bengal cats. They are the most adorable things ever so once you buy the one named Simba, you get to take him home that day. "Hello, gorgeous," Dana walks into your bedroom and after a second notices you have something behind your back. He is completely supportive of Simba and your decision. The rest of the night he is carrying Simba around just loving him.

David: David arrived home to our two bedroom apartment and was carrying a small crate in his hands. "What's that?" You ask while sitting on the couch, reading a text from your phone. "I got us a present." "You did what?" "Come here." David sets the crate down on the floor and sits in front of it. Why did he get us a dog? "So, explain. And please tell me that you just have a box inside of this crate becuase if you pull out a dog I'm gonna freak out." He opens up the hatch and reaches inside. "(Y/n), this is Stitch. He's an Australian Shepherd and he's for you." I start to laugh and then whine at how cute this dog it. "Oh my god. He is so cute. You still haven't explained to me why you bought a dog." "I was with the guys and we went into a dog pound and I saw him and his name was already Stitch and I thought it would be the perfect random gift to give you. Don't you love him? He's like our little baby now." "Oh my god you are absolutely insane." David puts Stitch down and runs straight over to you, jumping up to lick your face.

***I can't really write one for Will because he is allergic to animals with long hair so really the only animal I could write about is a fish or turtle and that would be extremely boring.

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