He Says Something About You in an Interview

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Dana: The guys have an interview with Radio Disney today and you just wish you could be there in person to watch them but you have a dance class in an hour so you've decided to listen in the car and while your just waiting. Nick Bennet is interviewing them and he has already talked about their upcoming events and now their all doing a twitter question and answer. "Alright this next question is for Dana: where did you meet your girlfriend and what's the best memory you have with her?" All the guys roar. "My girlfriends name is (y/n) and I just absolutely love her with all my heart. My best memory with her was our first date. We went to the Santa Monica Pier and walked on the shore for about thirty minutes. We took a ton of pictures together of us in the water and on the sand. It was definitely one of the best days of my life."

David: The boys are doing a live ustream with a women from some YouTube channel you honestly don't know the name of. "So, David I know you have one tattoo already for Italy, right?" "Yep." "Are you going to get any more tattoos latter on in the future?" "Well I actually already have a second tattoo." David pulls down the neckline from his shirt to show the black tattoo that reads '11:12'. "What's 11:12?" The women asks him. "Well I always tell (y/n) this: that I wished at 11:11 for her and then at 11:12 she texted me and said that we should hang out. So I tell her that I wished for her and then my wish came true. She was my one wish upon a star that came true." "Well that's really sweet. She sounds like an amazing girl." "She really is." David winks to the camera, knowing that I'm watching him.

Gabe: Oprah Winfrey is interview IM5 and it's so cool to watch them all grow so fast in the industry. Your sitting in the audience watching the live interview and can't stop smiling about it every moment. "What's the one thing that you will miss the most once you go on tour in a few weeks?" All the guys swap looks at each other to figure out who will go first so Gabe takes the chance to talk. "For me I will miss (y/n)'s random meals she makes for me." "And (y/n) is your girlfriend right? How long have you two been together?" "Four years," he answers without a thought. "Wow four years?" The audience cheers just before Oprah continues. "Is marriage in the cards at this point? You two are both nineteen, right?" The boys smile, not making complete eye contact until Dana blurts, "She's already basically his wife. They are always together and always making each other laugh and just have fun." The audience AW's and then Gabe continues, "After four years, yeah we've definitely talked about marriage but at this point it's a little crazy. IM5 is about to go on tour in a few months and (y/n) is still in school right now so we have definitely talked about marriage  but we think we are going to wait a while." Gabe searches for you in the audience and you blow him a kiss to show him your love.

 Will: The guys are finally getting the opportunity they deserve; being interviewed by Ryan Seacrest. "Next question,"Ryan is asking fan questions to all five of the guys. "Who here is single?" The two guys, Dana and David, raise their hands slowly. "So Will, Gabe, and Cole, you all have girlfriends?" "Yeah," Will responds. "Okay I'm going to start with Will then, what's her name?" "(y/n)." "What's your favorite thing about her?" "Minus her personalities, either her eyes or laugh. I always give her random complements and text her cute, little quotes just to cheer her up and it's fun to hear her laugh."

Cole: The boys are having a huge meet and greet in LA and you are sitting in the back with momma vaughns, and Cole's dad. "What is the best gift a fan ever gave you?" A fan asked from the audience, sitting down on the ground. "Oh that's a really hard one," Cole starts "But I'm gonna get really deep really quick. The best gift I've ever gotten from a fan is this necklace that (y/n) gave me the first time we meet." The entire audience aw's and a lot of them turn around to tell you to go and hug him. "GO HUG HIM!" a ton of them begin to shout. Cole glances over to you and uses his hands to show you to come to him. Following his direction, you walk over to him, putting your phone back in your pocket. "I love you," he whispers to you while hugging. "Love you too." Everyone in the audience aw's again to show their love for your relationship.

*Cole's was kind of bassed of their recent meet and greet in LA that was hilarioius and they were so fun. Sorry for taking a while to write these but I have like ten more on drafts that I just have to finish up and will be out soon.

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