Prolouge:New bonds

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(Y/N) (L/N) was new in town, and her parents wanted their precious, darling daughter to make some normal friends before she starts kindergarten. Except for the fact that she was physically unable to get any girls to be her friends do to her...odd mannerisms. So instead of having her do dance recitals or ballet, they just plopped her down in the middle of a field with a bunch of boys playing.

"Can I just stay home and play Animal Crossing or something?" (Y/N) begged her parents rather standoffish.

"Nope. You'd always get upset when no kids talk to you. So your going to have to take incietive." Her mother bluntly stated.

"Taking incietive is too much work." (Y/N)'s mother wasn't surprised at her 5 year olds understanding of big words. In fact, she was aware of the raw talent and smarts her daughter possessed. But the laziness would definitely overpower those good parts easily if (Y/N) doesn't recognize that; not to mention the lack of empathy in her.

"Just go and I'll give you some sweets when you get home."

(Y/N)'s face brightened up, and all of a sudden she becomes excited. "Ok!" She beamed.

At the end of the day, she's still a child. No matter how special she was, she had just as much potential as all of the other kids her age. (Y/N)'s mother watched her skip off into the field where she saw a bunch of younger boys playing multiple sports.

"Ew a girl." One of the boys crudely said.

"You play baseball like a girl; I betcha I'm way better than you!" The young girl said.

"Oh yeah? Like that's ever going to happen!" Another boy chimes in.

"Yes it will!" I shouted

The boys began to sneer at her until she saw two other boys running up holding volleyballs. The one with spiky black hair stepped in and said, "Both of you guys probably suck." While the the boy with brown hair seemed disinterested with the the current situation, and focused on the volleyballs in his hands.

"Hajime, volleyball is a girl's sport! Get your nose out of men's talk!"

"When did you ever become a man?" I pointed out.

"S-shuddap! You're just a stupid girl! Why don't you go play volleyball with the other girls!" The random kid I've been arguing with said.

"EVERYONE QUIET!" The boy named Hajime shouted. "What kind of man insults girls like that? My dad always tells me to treat them with respect so that way you don't become a douche!"

"Hajime, you better shut up right now or I'll-"

I punched the snot nosed kid in the face, surprising all of the guys around me.

"Y'know what? Volleyball seems way more enjoyable then being in your presence right now. So scram!"

The kid help his bruised cheek and proceeded to run away, probably to go cry to his mother. The ruckus finally stopped, and I turned to the spiky haired boy and smiled.

"You're cool." I said simply.

"You're not too bad..." he glanced to the side, "could you throw the ball up for us so that Oikawa can set it to me?" I cocked my head confused.

"Oh. I'm Iwaizumi hajime, and he's Oikawa Tooru." He pointed to the brunette that I forgot about. The other boy shyly waved, and continued to push the ball into the air; which I can only assume is a set.

"I'm (L/N)(Y/N), I don't really like it when people use my last name so just call me (Y/N)." I took the volleyball, and proceeded to throw the ball into the air until sunset. I was pleased to find out that Oikawa wasn't as boring as he seemed to be on the outside. In fact, he was quite passionate about volleyball. Iwaizumi was definitely a fun person to talk to. We got ice cream on our way over to my house, and Oikawa-kun ranted about how cool volleyball was.

"When the setter did that setter dump! That was definitely my favorite part! It's so cool!" He beamed.

"I wish I could find something to be as passionate about as you are with volleyball Oikawa!" I admitted.

"Don't you like volleyball? Or sports?" Iwaizumi questioned.

"I mean I like sports, but I could never be serious about them." I replied.

"Don't worry (Y/N)! I'm sure you'll find what you love soon! Meanwhile, I  will work as hardest as I can to he the best volleyball player ever!" I was impressed by this. Not only is he passionate about something, but he's going to work hard to achieve it!

"You guys are so impressive!" I complimented. Both of them were clearly flattered and smiled at me.

Once we got to my house, I invited them in for snacks, which they gladly accepted. I could tell my mom and dad were happy I made friends miraculously.

"(Y/N)-chan, we live two streets down from here! So we can hang out every day if you'd like!" Oikawa tells me.

"Ok!" I gleefully accepted.

"We'll see you tomorrow then!" Iwaizumi added, and then they left.

I was glad that I made such interesting friends, and from that day forward we three were inseparable. We used to play volleyball at recess and break times, and during nap times we got the spots in the corner next to each other. We were called the perfect trio, and I was happy with that all throughout primary school. That is...until puberty hit us.

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