I Like You...But I Like Her Better

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Bendy's POV:

The whole disaster with Sammy was over with. I am never touching that mask again if I can help it. Probably won't even touch Sammy.

Though, it is kind of cute when he gets all homicidal like that. A much better change from Sammy's emotional, sarcastic and slightly schizophrenic demeanor. I almost preferred the murderous snappy change in him.

Sammy had too many flaws. Just too many.

I didn't realize I was thinking out loud when I heard a sniffle.

Sammy's POV:


He loves Horror and not me?

Am I just not good enough? Was it my voice? No, it had to be my face. It was always my face. It drove my half-sisters away. It drove Norman, who I used to hold so dearly in my heart, away. It drove all my friends away.

I am all alone. There's no one who can save me now.

"S-Sammy?" Bendy asked gently. "Sammy!" I was running now. Running away from my demons. Running away from a false love. Running away from him.

I ran until I was in my old music department, and as soon as I reached the big sign that announced the department, and sobbed. Sobbed for my sisters, who abandoned me. Sobbed for Norman, who cheated on me with my dear friend Susie. Sobbed for my lost friends, who left the moment they could. Sobbed for Bendy, who deserves nothing from me.

My scream-cries transformed into hysterical laughter. Horror's laughter.

"Then let's give that demon the vampire he truly wants."

Oh, wow, super short chapter! Don't worry: Imma update soon! I'm so happy people love my story! Thank y'all!  

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