Chapter Two

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Arthit planned to spend the entire first day of classes purposely establishing himself as an irascible, hostile individual who should be left the fuck alone. To accomplish this, he arrived early, sat in the back corner of the room, and proceeded to glare and glower at every first-year who dared look in his direction. It worked like a charm in the beginning. No one sat next to him, or even in front of him, and he thought he'd happily isolated himself from the freshman class as a whole.

That is, until that annoying Kongpob arrived. The alpha looked around at all the empty seats—there were dozens!—but then his eyes landed on Arthit and stayed there for a few seconds, watching him curiously. In response, Arthit sneered and waspishly mouthed 'what?' at him before looking away, fully intending to ignore him along with the rest of the class. However, that proved difficult. Instead of steering clear of him, the annoying alpha strolled right up to the seat next to Arthit and sat down with a polite smile.

"What do you think you're doing?" Arthit asked, outraged. "Go sit somewhere else."

"Why? Are you saving this seat for someone?"

"No, but—"

"Then there's no reason why I can't sit here."

Arthit stared at him in open-mouthed shock. "You think you can just sit wherever you want because you're an alpha?"

"No." The alpha—Kongpob—rolled his eyes. "I think I can sit wherever I want because there aren't assigned seats. If you don't like it, you're free to move."

"Fuck that shit," snapped Arthit, his eyes flashing a brilliant blue. "I was here first."

"Then, stay. I'm not stopping you." There was a pause, and he cocked his head to the side as he regarded Arthit thoughtfully. "I was right. You're an omega."

"So? What does that matter?"

"It doesn't. But why are you trying so hard to hide it? Scent blockers are bad for your skin, and it's not like people won't figure it out the second you get worked up."

"That's none of your fucking business."

Kongpob hummed in agreement. "I guess that's true." Pause. "Your name is Arthit, right? Student ID 0206. I'm Kongpob, 0062."

"I don't care."

"You can call me Kong."

"Stop talking to me." To emphasize his point, Arthit shifted in his seat so that his body faced away from Kongpob and took out his phone. He pretended to be engrossed in the messages displayed on the screen, but his eyes glazed over them without reading a single word.

He couldn't smell Kongpob as strongly as he had yesterday, but whenever he breathed in through his nose he caught a faint whiff of that delightful mixture of iced coffee and fresh air and it was driving him insane. Arthit shot Kongpob a nasty look, wishing he'd go away. Kongpob, however, refused to move and Arthit stubbornly did the same.

Just before class started, another first-year student approached them. "Hey, Kong," he said, eyeing Arthit warily. "Why are you sitting back here?"

"Let's sit in that row up there," commented a lanky, troublesome looking kid with glasses as he came up behind the first one. He frowned when he spotted Arthit, who frowned right back.

"I like it here," said Kongpob. "You guys sit up there. I'll join you later."

Inwardly, Arthit groaned in frustration. Why wouldn't he just go with his friends? They wanted him! Arthit, on the other hand, wanted absolutely nothing to do with him—or anyone else, for that matter. Unfortunately, by some cruel twist of fate, Arthit discovered that he couldn't escape Kongpob because they literally had the same exact fucking schedule.

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