Chapter Four

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Upon entering the classroom, Kongpob's gaze automatically found Arthit sitting in the back corner of the room alone, like always, and for a split second he considered sitting next to him despite what happened at the canteen. But then their eyes met, and Kongpob bristled at the impassive, yet vaguely antagonistic vibe exuding from the omega. What was his problem? Kongpob had been nothing but kind to him since the moment they met outside orientation, and yet Arthit had responded with nothing but hostility the entire time.

At first, Kongpob thought he'd seen an undercurrent of pain and fear hidden underneath all the animosity, and it'd driven him to reach out to the omega to offer his friendship and protection. He'd accepted and endured the verbal abuse because he thought it was a defensive mechanism, but now he knew the truth: Arthit was a giant asshole and enough was enough. Let him sit alone if that's what he wanted.

Kongpob clenched his teeth and strode over to his friends, taking a seat between M and Oak.

"Oh?" Oak leaned back, appraising him with a note of surprise. "You're sitting with us today? I thought you liked it back there."

Kongpob shrugged.

"I know you were trying to be nice to that omega," continued Oak. "But you should probably steer clear of him. Did you hear? He's actually one of the seniors. Like, officially he's a third-year."

"I know," replied Kongpob. He'd overheard the rumors earlier in the day, but he hadn't completely believed it until Arthit asked if he'd gotten his signature.

"But that's not the craziest part."

Kongpob raised an eyebrow at Oak. What could be stranger than an official third-year student taking all first-year courses?

"They say he's the real head hazer."

"Really?" M grimaced and briefly glanced behind Kongpob in the direction of the back corner, then quickly turned back around, ducking down. "I hope that's not true. He's way worse than P'Knot."

Oak snorted. "I'd rather it be him. I mean, he's just an omega."

"You obviously don't know anything about omegas," said Tew, turning around. "My mom's an omega, and I'm more scared of her than my dad even though he's an alpha. A person's disposition has absolutely nothing to do with their sex or gender—that's what my mom always says, and she's right."

"Whatever," said Oak, dismissively. "Don't unruly omegas just need an alpha in their life? I heard they calm down when they're getting some regularly, you know? Did you see how he was with P'Prem earlier? I bet he'll be a piece of cake to handle soon enough."

At that, Kongpob wrinkled his nose in disgust and was pleased to see similar reactions on M and Tew's faces. Scenting was completely normal among pack members—it didn't mean that they were romantically involved—and everything else Oak had said was completely wrong too.

Oak frowned. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Everything," replied Tew. "Everything you said was wrong."

"What? Really? But I've even heard alphas say that omegas get cranky if their needs aren't being met."

M ducked down and hissed, "Keep your voice down, Oak! Don't let P'Arthit hear you or we'll get punished!"


"Because it's not true," said Kongpob. "It's a stereotype—a harmful one, at that. And we're better than that, Oak."

At least Oak had the decency to look ashamed of himself when he heard that, and he dropped his chin to his chest and mumbled an apology. Kongpob's gaze shifted momentarily to the back of the classroom to Arthit, who was glaring holes into the wall, and he frowned.

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