Mina is gonna kill me

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Okay so, first thing first, I'm not Mina. I go by the name DENKI KAMINARI!!! That's right!! I stole this girls Dairy! {Yes, he spelled Diary wrong}
I've read everything and like. Honestly my opinions.

She is stupid. {boi you spelled Diary wrong your the stupid one}

She writes so much stuff about basically all of the BakuSquad. About her 'girl nights out'. About her MASSIVE CRUSH ON SERO!!!!

Yea so definitely got blackmail against her now. I think I'm gonna make a plan on how to get them together now that I know she wrote about ME AND JIRO!!

Am I gonna be killed when she finds out u wrote this. Yes.

Will she be able too? No.

Why? Cause I know everything now.

I'm so smart!!!

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