Untold betrayal

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I don't know how long i was asleep for. Could've been hours, i don't even know what hit me just know. What i do know is that whatever it was made my head bleed. Or at least i think that's what this wet feeling in my hair is. Scratch that, that what i hope it is. I cut my thinking short as the more disgusting thoughts come to mind. I'm blindfolded, but not by a piece of clothing or anything. It feel like iron or steel. Whatever it is, its blocking my vision and that's not the move. I feel around me to see if i can feel something familiar but i fail. My body feels numb and i'm extremely dizzy. I try to move my legs but they are tied up. I feel around to see what kind of material it is and its chains. Who would kidnap me like this. And who has the time to find these things. I try my best not to freak out. It sounds cliche, but i watch a lot of movies and every-time without fail the person freaks out and the kidnappers comes. That's the last thing i want right now. I try to make a plan in my head but nothing really works. I cant get past the lock on the blindfold they have over my eyes. " I'm sorry i had no other choice" a voice called out to me as somebody unlocks the blindfold. The voice seemed oddly familiar but i cant figure out who it is. I was praying that it wasnt somebody i talk to on a day to day basis. But to my surprise once the blindfold fell, Nakyia was standing there. It was weird. This electric shock ran through my body, almost as painful as the feeling in the back of my head. I tried my best to hold in my pain but i couldn't hold it back. There this feeling deep down. It hurts, the world is going blurry. I scream as loud as i possibly can. The feeling stops and when my vision finally clears again Nakyia is floating. Now pause cause i know damn well i'm wide away, so they must have drugged me cause what the fuck. I'm scared even more than i was in the first place. My hands are shaking and my breath is wobbling. Nakyia's face isn't scared though. She looks as if this completely normal. She looks me in my eyes, and i look at hers. Those eyes, there's something about her eyes that scares me a little. I'm just now coming to the realization of the room we are in. It's and all white room and the only window looks like its covered by a sticker or painting of space. "Look at me and breathe. Calm down. You want to put me down right?" Nakyia says in her normal gentle and soft voice.

I look at her with the most confused look i could possible make " What do you mean, I want to put you down. I didn't bloody pick you up the hell" i said trying my hardest not to scream. I dont know who all is here and i have a strong feeling that if i scream more dangerous people are going to come in. Although i dont really know how dangerous Nakyia is. Considering my heads still bleeding a little bit i consider her dangerous automatically. But at the same time there is a girl floating in the air above me so i'm gonna play along as if i'm in some dumb movie. I try my best to think about what im doing. And to my surprise Nakyia slowly lowers to the ground. She chuckles a little " Now that i have my proof i can take these off. I'm sorry for the chains but if you didn't have the power i would've had to kill you. That would've been a whole lot harder if you were unchained and could fight back. It wouldn't have changed much but that's fine." I tried my best to keep up cause at this point my head cant handle anymore surprises. "What is this, where am i, WHAT am i" i said damn near passing out from not breathing. " You are part of the LYNX. You are in outer space and this is the holding room. The LYNX is the highest group and the ost powerful. And you Taylor are now the leader of this entire coven" Nakyia said. She bowed before me as if i was some almighty god or something. This has got to be a dream.

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