Cry Baby

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Payton's POV

Noen, Anthony, and I are at a skate park testing out our skills. Although I would never admit it to the guys, I am terrified of skateboarding. Don't get me wrong I love it it's just scary going down those steep ramps. 

"Hey Payton it's your turn," Noen said to me rolling his eyes. Usually Noen is the most patient out of all the older tour members but he was in a bad mood today. 

"Um okay sorry I was just spacing out," I said procrastinating my first try. We were trying out a new trick today and it was a bit dangerous so I was even more scared. I looked down the ramp and just full sended. I went down at full speed and then just as I was about to reach the top of the second ramp I chickened out and stopped. I looked back at Noen and Ant and they looked pretty annoyed. 

"Wtf (sorry I'm a child of god lmao) Payton why didn't you go for it," Noen said to me pushing me a bit. 

"Sorry I just didn't feel ready I will go after you guys." The boys nodded and went. They both, as expected, did it perfectly which annoyed me. Now I was a bit more competitive and determined to get the skill. I didn't even hesitate as I went down the ramp faster than before. I did the trick then landed feeling a sharp pain in my ankle. I had already hurt it before when I jumped out the window to go to the party so it was more easily broken than before. 

"Hey you good," Ant asked me walking down  to me. I hadn't realized until then that I was crying but the pain kept getting progressively worse so I started sobbing. Noen and Ant looked at me and started dying with laughter. 

"Aww look at the crybaby," Noen giggled. Anthony laughed harder and decided to join.

"Are you gonna call Jaden like you always do you pathetic wimp." he said viciously. Despite the pain I just stood up and ran away to the park bathrooms. I dialed Griffins number knowing that Jaden was at work. Griffin picked up immediately as I started to tell him the events that happened earlier. 

"I'm going to kill them, but stay in there okay, Chase and I are on the way." He said before hanging up. I stayed in the bathroom until I heard a knock on the door. 

"Hey Payton are you in there?" Chase asked, I whimpered out a yes and opened the door. He looked at me sadly.

"Aw baby i'm going to pick you up okay," I shook my head no my mind replaying the horrible things Noen and Ant said to me. 

Chase's POV

I was beyond angry at the boys and knew they were going to get when we got home but my top priority was Payton. Griffin had already told me about what was said to Payton so I knew what was going through his head when I told him I was going to pick him up. 

"But-" Payton tried to argue but I wasn't having any of it.

"Nuh uh I'm picking you up because of you foot. I will not let you walk on it and that doesn't make you a crybaby, understood?" I said sternly just wanting to get home. He nodded and reached his arms out. I awed at him and picked him up quickly carrying him to our van where the boys were waiting. I sat him in the seat behind Griffin making sure to keep an eye out for him. 

"I want both of you in your rooms in a corner when we get home." Griffin said glaring at both of them making their heads go down even further than they already were. We made a quick journey home and the boys quickly went inside. Payton was about to jump out of the car but I ran to the car door and stopped him. I swatted his thigh. 

"Payton what did I say before?" I asked knowing he just wanted to go inside. He looked down and mumbled something incoherent. 

"Don't make me spank you too," I said smacking his thigh again. 

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