The Clave Meeting (Magnus)

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When we got there we stoped the car and just sat there. I haven't seen Alec look so worried in such a long time. He was acting weird at the Institute. He looked at me and held my hand, I knew he was worried about whatever laid behind that door. " You ready?" I asked. He nod his head quickly and we got out. The closer we got to the door, the more his hand tightened around mine. I looked at him before I knocked on the door, he was shaking, I could see and feel it. An older shadowhuter answers the door. " State your full name and species" he said in loud and stern voice " Alexander Gideon Lightwood, Shadowhunter" Alec said in a shaky voice. " Magnus Bane, Warlock" I say stern. "Oh right, you two, follow me." He says. Alec's grip keeps getting tighter and tighter on my hand. " Wait a moment, and have a seat." The Clave official says. We sit down. Alec can't stop shaking, I'm starting to get worried about him. A few moments later another Clave official comes to us "Alexander Lightwood and Magnus Bane?" She asks. " Yeah that's us" I say. "Follow me" she says. The Clave women leads the way to a tiny room with three chairs. Alec sits down and I sit next to him. I try to clam him down by rubbing my hand on his, it sorta helps. The Clave woman sits behind a desk. " Hello, my name is Sabrina" She says and holds out her hand for us to shake it and we do. " So you're probably wondering why you two are here" she says. I look over at Alec and nod. " Well it's nothing bad, so I wouldn't worry, especially you Mr. Lightwood" she says. Alec stops shaking. "Well you're here because The Silent Brothers have brought to our attention that they have a girl there, she's an orphan of course and the Clave had a vote to see what we'll do with her, an they voted for you guys to adopt her, would you guys to like to adopt her?" I was shocked, surprised and the happiest I've been in awhile. I looked at Alec and he looked so happy. " Yes! Yes of course! We'll take her!" Alec said. " Okay that's really good, I'll let them know and call you when you can get her and anything else" "Wait, I don't mean to be rude" I said " But... What species is she?" " Surprisingly a Shadowhunter, so before I forget, Alec, The Clave expects you to train her as a shadowhunter when she becomes of age, she's just shy of her nineth birthday." Sabrina said. " Of course" Alec says. " Thank you so much for this, we are so thankful for this." I say "Of course, you guys can go, we'll call you" she says. With that we start going to our car, back to the Institute.

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