The Flashback (Magnus)

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After an hour, I finally get the curse out of her system. This was a strong curse and it fought back. This was as hard as healing Alec from the Greater Demon bite he got before we started going out. Everyone is relieved to see her okay. Maxine thanks me greatly. As I'm cleaning up a little. Everyone started panicking. "What's wrong?" I ask. "She blacked out!" Jace says. I run over to her. I examen her. "That's normal. It's just the body reacting to the curse being gone. She'll probably get a fever too. She'll be fine" I say. Everyone calms down. Everyone leaves except Izzy. She feels her forehead. "She has a fever" she said. "We should put her in more comfortable clothes" she said. With the flip of my wrist she's in a tank top and short shorts. "Better" I say. I finish cleaning up and sit next to Izzy. "You and my brother are great parents" she says. I smile. "Well I love being a dad" I say. She laughs. "Well I love being an aunt." She said. We laugh and check on Maxine then leave.

"She's still sleeping?" Simon asked. "Well she suffered a concussion and I had to put her in pain to remove a powerful curse. I would still be sleeping too." I say. "Point taken" he shoots back. "I wonder what kind of homes she's been in and out of" Clary said. "Good question" Izzy says. "She's said she hated about all of them." We all sit in silence wondering. "Why don't we ask her when she wakes up?" Jace asks. "I guess we can" Alec says. "What kind of homes do you think she went to?" Simon asks. "Terrible. Horrible homes" I say. Then out of the blue we heard a terrifying scream.

My first thought is Maxine. We all rush to the infirmary. Maxine is huddled in a corner. Covered in blankets and having a panic attack. No one dared stepped forward. Clary took the first step. She bent down next to her. When she touched her. She flinched away. "Are you okay?" She asked. My mind starts racing.

Why could she be having a panic attack? What happened? Come on you're an 800 year old warlock. Think. Okay trace my steps.

Clary is trying to calm her down. She looks up at everyone. Clary holds her tightly.  She starts calming down a little bit. Clary pulls her into a huge hug. She gets up and layes back down on the bed. Pulling the blankets over her head. I've never seen Alec look so pissed and so upset all at the same time. I pull him into a hug. "I'll talk to her" I whisper in his ear. He looks up and nods at me. Everyone slowly backs out of the room in hugs and I'm left alone with Maxine. I sit on the bed and pull her on my lap. She nuzzels in my chest. She snuggled into me more. Shaking slightly. I squeeze her tight. "I love you guys" she said. "We love you" I say. "I feel so safe by you and dad." She says. With the flick of my wrist, one of Alec's sweatshirts is on her. It smells like Alec and she starts to relax a little more. I lay her down. I kiss her. "I love you so much. Don't you ever forget that" I say. She nods and falls back asleep.

"I let her barrow one of your sweaters" I told Alec. "What is she doing?" Jace asks. "Sleeping again" I say. After that we all go our different ways. Clary and Simon go hunting. Izzy and Jace go run errands and Alec takes a nap. I go and try to think what else I'll need to do for Maxine to help her. I hope everything works out for everyone.

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