Chapter 1 - Plan of Action

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Hey guys I'm back with a new fanfiction but in a completely different world. This is my first fanfiction in the Divergent world so please be patient with me. Okay I won't keep you waiting here it is...

Leah's POV

Beep ... Beep ... Beep.

I am woken up way to early by my insanely obnoxious alarm. I roll over to try and shush the stupid thing. As soon as I do, I remember what I have to do today and how important the next couple of hours are.

I shake the thought of the decision out of my mind and walk into the shower. Letting the warm water wash away my worries for as long as I can. I get out the shower place on my black Dauntless clothes and head out for a run through the dauntless halls.

As I run, I think about what I may leave behind or what could be the rest of my life. This is one of the only decisions I have not been sure about. I run to the eating hall and grab a breakfast bar before sitting down next to Uriah at my table of friends.

"hey guys," I say as I open my breakfast bar. "what's up," Marlene answers as she climbs onto Uriah's lap to speak to me. I just shrug my shoulders. Choosing day is stressful for everyone except my friends, everyone chooses dauntless and no one has transferred except for four but that's a different story.

"Leah are you okay?" Shauna asks as she stirs her coffee. "Yeah I'm fine," I lie. "Well okay then," she replies. Just then four walks up behind me. "Your mom asked me to bring you to her she needs to speak to you about the plan," he whispers in my ear. I nod and stand up. "I gotta go get ready. See you at the ceremony," I say quickly before I stand up and leave.

We walk silently side by side through the halls before we finally arrive at the apartment that my mother and I live in. I knock the code on the door and my mother lets us in. "Took long enough. Where were you?" she asks as she sits on the sofa. "She was in the cafeteria Tori; she normally never eats breakfast how was I supposed to know?" four answers closing the door behind him. "Today's not a normal day," I say with attitude as I play with my bracelet.

"That's for sure, but I just had a meeting with the other leaders of the rebellion. Erudite is going through with their plans which as you know means you have to transfer there and be an insider. You had an aptitude for erudite meaning that you are our best hope of making it through initiation."

"Yeah I know we have been over this. I go in, pass initiation, get a job as close as possible to the plans and tell the Rebels any other information they may not have." I reply. Transferring to erudite was definitely not my choice but I will do anything to honor my dad and if working for the rebels is it than transferring is what I have to do. "Leah this is serious, living as a divergent in erudite is very dangerous and you have to be careful."

"I know mom, but I'm ready I have been training for as long as I can remember. I know how to avoid being detected and I am dauntless I was raised living dangerously." I say. My mother smiles at me and nods her head. "Okay then, I trust you, but please tell me if anything goes wrong you are my little girl, I don't want to lose you," I go over and hug her. "I love you mom, but I'm ready. For dad?" I say getting kind of emotional. "For dad," she replies as she wipes a stray tear off my face.

"Now if my baby girl is only going to be dauntless for a few more hours I am going to tattoo her," come on let's go get your friends and head to the parlor." She says as she stands up and pulls me up with her. "Really? But you said..." "I know what I said, but that was before the plan was official," she interrupts.

Four and I go to the cafeteria and pick up the gang. We tell them what's going on and then we all run down to the parlor, where my mother is waiting for us. I jump eagerly into the chair as my mother fills the tattoo gun. "Okay Leah, what do you want?"

I look to the photo of my mother, father and I on her work desk. It was taken when I was only six as my dad became a leader. I am in dads' arms and he is holding his leader stripes up in the air with his tattooed arm. One tattoo immediately catches my attention. It is a maze that I always used to trace when I sat in his lap. It has entrances leading to all the five faction and used to symbolize his divergence but only my mother and I know that.

"I want dads' maze in the same place he had it. On his upper arm," I say as I take the picture off my mothers work desk and hold it to my heart trying my best not to cry. She smiles down at me and nods before she begins to tattoo. I have to do this for him.

When my mother finishes the tattoo she wipes it off an smiles at me. "Hey Tori can the whole gang get a tattoo, you know cause of what might happen today," Marlene asks as she gently squeezes my hand for reassurance. My mother looks up at the gang and nods, "Of course, I'll give you guys a few minutes to decide but make it quick we have to be at the train in an hour."

My mother walks away and i turn to my friends. "You guys found out ha," I say. "Yeah, your mom told us," Uriah awnsers as he runs his hands through his hair. "I can't beleive i actually have to leave," i say as i place my head in my hands. "Hey its okay you will be alright. Your mom gave you a phone right. we can keep in contact..." "Shauna its too dangerous!" I scream way to loudly attracting the attention of everyone in the parlor. I look down in embarrassment," I'm sorry I'm just stressed." "We get it but we will get through this. Okay?" Four says as he places a hand on my shoulder to reassure me.

"So About that tattoo," I say as i stand up and wipe a tear away. "How about a dauntless symbol, because it is the faction that brought us all toghther," Zeke says with a smirk as he leans his arm on my shoulder. "Wow who knew Zeke could have a good idea," I say sarcastically and he hits me playfully. "Come on lets do it whie i still can.


Okay that's the first chapter guys I'm going to wait until I get a few votes or reviews to continue because I don't want to put so much time into this story if there is no audience. I hope to see you soon in the next chapter.



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