Chapter 6 - Dangerous situations

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Leah's POV

Since that night on the roof Caleb and I have been dating but we are keeping it on the down low and nobody really knows about it except for Mason and Jane. Stage three's formal training ended yesterday and so far it has been seriously draining. I wake up tired every morning. They put us under a serum and from there we are put into a different room that resemble real life situations. So far, I have had to solve numerous puzzles, and some were very weird where I have to calculate formulas for certain sedation and mind control serums. I have also had to solve some very weird situations like shutting down simulations and having to lead a team conducting an attack by Erudite.

I have spoken to Caleb about his simulations and he said that his situations are completely different to mine. I have no clue why, but I do find it very suspicious. Today is the final day of Stage 3 and initiation so I decided that if something still doesn't feel right after the final simulation, I am going to have to tell the rebels about it and what I think Erudite might be planning.

I just woke up and as I sit up, I am immediately hit by the feeling of fatigue. I drag myself out of bed and walk to the kitchen to get some coffee. I never used to drink coffee before Initiation but I just can't seem to be as awake and active as I was in Dauntless. I still exercise and go for runs but its hard to incorporate it into my schedule when it is not apart of my mandatory activities.

As I get to the kitchen, I begin to make my coffee and grab a breakfast bar to go with it. As I wait for my coffee, I close my eyes only to have Caleb sneak up behind me and place kisses all down my neck. I turn around and peck his lips put then pull away slightly so our faces are only inches away. "Well good morning," I say with a smile. "Morning," he replies as he moves away slightly and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Want some coffee?" I ask, moving in his arms so I'm facing the coffee pot. "It's the only way I can make it through today," he says making me giggle a little. "Of course it is," I say sarcastically rolling my eyes. He winks in response as he leans over me to pour his coffee and grabs a breakfast bar besides my hand. He picks up my hand and kisses it in the process.

We move over to the living room and I sit in Caleb's lap as we watch the beginning of some old TV show. We cuddle for a few more minutes before we have to go get ready for the day. I place on a low-cut dress, makeup and leave my naturally straight brown hair down. I refuse to put on the unnecessary glasses. They are not me and I might be an Erudite now but that doesn't mean I can't still keep my image up. I mean they already force me to cover my tattoos.

I join Caleb and we walk hand in hand to the testing room. We sit amongst the other initiates who absolutely despise me because of my ranking. Reef walks up to Caleb and I and I almost throw up my breakfast. "What the hell do you want Reef," I say my teeth clenched. "Ah come on baby I just wanted to say hi," he says smirking at me. "Do. Not. Call. Me. Baby," I reply standing up. "Come on you know you like me too," he says as he runs a hand through my hair. I slap it away.

"Don't you dare touch her," Caleb says as he pstands up next to me and wraps a hand around my waist. He is at least a head taller than Reef and is definitely better built. "Well look at that," Reef says motioning to Caleb's arm, "You picked this stupid stiff over me." "Oh, please boy you wish you were an option," I say before pulling Caleb down to kiss him. Reef rolls his eyes. "You aren't even that beautiful anyway," Reef says as he moves slightly back. Caleb grabs him by the shirt, "You are lucky this is a formal event or I would punch you in the face right now," Caleb says before placing him down. Reef just shrugs and walks away.

So much for keeping our relationship on the down low. Mason and Jane sit next to us and after that each initiate is called one by one into the testing room by current rank. Lowest to highest. Mason is the first of our group. Then Jane. After a while it is just Caleb and I Left in the room. When Caleb is called, he squeezes my hand, places a kiss on my head and wishes me luck before going into the room. Soon my name is called and I walk into a room full of a panel of judges including Jeanine Matthews. I sit in the testing chair were Cara wishes me luck and injects the serum.

Firstly, I am in a lab. A whole lot of different chemicals sit before me. I check the clipboard placed Infront of me. It states that I have to create a mind control serum. I choose various chemicals, compose a chemical formula and walk into the test area as I did in practise except this time instead of a factionless volunteer sitting in that chair it is my mother and she is pleading for me not to inject her. I know this is a simulation so I ignore the screaming and trying to hide my divergence I complete the task by simply injecting the serum without caring for my mother. I ignore the bile rising in my throat and continue on to the nest task.

I am in a room filled with computers. I have to locate the one that has been hacked and shut down the simulation it is carrying out. I locate the computer and decode the system to stop the simulation. Ignoring the fact that stopping this simulation would mean the death of my friends because it is what is defending them from Erudite attack.

I am transported to the third and final room where I have to lead a team of Erudite researchers as they administer and begin a simulation that causes all the dauntless to basically become braindead zombies following every order Erudite sends them. I see them being shot down by the divergent Dauntless members, but know I am not allowed to take my eyes of the screen because the system could malfunction at any minute and the simulation could be destroyed within seconds. Of course, there is a malfunction which I quickly solve before waking up and being back in the testing room chair. I look to the judges and see them nodding then I look at my time which seems to be the quickest of the group. I sigh in relief before getting of the chair and walking into the waiting room where my friends were.

As we walk back to the apartment, I just can't get the images of dying dauntless and my mother suffering out of my head. I know I have to call her as soon as possible. We arrive at the apartment and I tell Caleb I need a rest so I can go into my room. I go into the Closet which is a blind spot for the cameras and I dial my mothers' number. She picks up on the fourth ring.

"Hello, Tori from Dauntless Tattoos here. How can I help you?" she says. I smile at her voice before replying with a scratchy voice, "Mom its me." I can hear her moving around on the other line obviously moving to a camera blind spot.

"Leah, I am so happy to hear from you. How is initiation and Erudite? Are you adjusting okay?"

"Initiation is going well. I am ranked first and I have a few friends and a ahh... a boyfriend."

"Wow Leah that's amazing. So, who is it?" She asks excitedly.

"His name is Caleb. Caleb Prior," I reply happily.

"Prior?" She asks nervously.

"Yeah, why?" I reply scared.

She sighs, "Has he mentioned a sister?"

"Yeah Beatrice she transferred to Dauntless. Why?"

"She is a divergent and recently joined the Rebels."

"Oh my god she might tell him meaning our whole plan is at risk. If anyone finds out I'm undercover in Erudite I will be immediately arrested or maybe even worse," I reply shocked. This may result in me being killed. Caleb can never know about the rebels.

"Leah, you cannot reveal anything about Tris. Okay? Caleb may ask too many questions."

"Okay yeah sure."

"Good now why did you call me? I know you wouldn't unless you have information."

I sigh before I begin to tell the whole story of Stage 3. My mother is shocked and tells me that she has to consult the Leaders of the Rebels right away. We say goodbye and she hangs up. This information could mean an attack is way closer than we expected, and that my life is in danger as long as I stay in Erudite. What am I going to do?


Ohhh whats going to happen to Leah? I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Leave a comment and a vote to let me know if you are enjoying the story and for me to see if there still is an audience. Thank you for all the support. I love you all. Be brave.

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