Chapter 2:Study duo

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Jirou P.O.V

She woke up in the middle of the night with rays of gentle moonlight kissing her pale skin. Even when she tried to get back to sleep, as it was 4 hours until waking time, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't rest her turbulent head, making up her mind and sliding her phone out from the bedside drawer. 

  Suddenly, her phone vibrated - of which it almost sent Kyoka jumping with a heart attack. The bold text of 'Unknown Caller' was prominent on the glaring screen in the dark of her room. This was weird because it was not like any normal person wakes up at 1:42 in the morning.

  She swiped up on the accepting icon hesitantly.

  A static voice chirped from the radio-sounding speakers of her hand phone. "Hey, Jirou! It's Denki calling, um. . . I couldn't sleep. . . so would you mind if I come to your dorm room?" Denki asked.

  She plugs one of her earphone jack into the phone and sighed, a confuted look plastered plainly on her glowing face. "Uh. . . no? What's up with you?"

  Kaminari's sigh filtered through the phone's vibrations and Jirou rolled her eyes. "Look, can't we talk about this tomorrow? I seriously need to go to bed."

  A near-quiet 'okay' sounded through her earphone again and she huffed before slipping her phone into the drawer to wirelessly charge.


She woke up as the sounds of the raging alarm clock consumed hear hearing ability causing her to smack the alarm till the sound was no more.

She groaned covering her face with a pillow,getting up with the weight of her body pushing down as her legs tried to find strength to withstand the sudden weights that was suddenly apon them as she slid her legs to the bathroom with a towel.

A few minutes past,the purple hair girl walked out of the bathroom door to get changed into her school uniform.Then,she made a simple sandwich and was off to school.

     The journey to the school was mostly quiet,the only thing that could be heard were bicycles,the sound of the wind and birds chirping.

         As she walked on the concrete walkpath a there was a distant familiar voice "Why are you so irritated Bakugo,did Midoriya break with you that early?" turning around only to see Kaminari walking on the walkway with Bakugo who was overflowing with Nitroglycerin making light sparks from his hands that released a burning wood scent into the air and Kirishima catching on what topic were they talking about.

"SHUT UP,DUNCE FACE.IF YOU DON'T WANNA  DIE YOU BETTER NOT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!ONLY I CAN DO THAT TO YOU"Bakugo scowled as more sparks came from his hands making the burning wood scent even stronger that even Kyoka could smell it causing her to walk to them and try to reassure Bakugo.

"Hey Bakugo,you should try to calm down."She tried to reassure but only to fail as he was ready to pounce on an unwilling prey with in that case Kaminari. Kaminari took a few steps back"Yo, dude, chill~ I was just joking."As he walked casually to school while grinning at Bakugo.To see Kaminari being a dick kinda broke Kyoka's heart,she was expecting more mature than childish.

Once they reach school,there were 5 more minutes till Lida shows up and asked the class to be seated.The class was very noisy to the point where Kyoka had to plug her earphone jack into her phone as to not make her deaf and class went on as usual with Mr Aizawa teaching nationality to Present Mic english lesson making the whole class right a god awful long ass essay to other lessons up until the last lesson which was All might's lesson which was  Foundational Hero Studies.

It was hated by both Kyoka and Kaminari for its intensive training,they were more chill but one was a real dick.Anyways,Kyoka and kaminari got pared up to fight each other.It was a very short battle

  ¨You ready?¨Kaminari asked as he got in stance making small electric lightning connecting his fingers.¨Ready as I'll ever be.¨Jirou replied as she did the same lifting her ear jacks up for piercing.

This is kinda boring fight.Don't ask

¨1.6 million volts¨Kaminari shouted as the ground the ground beneath her got electricfy which in that case she jumped avoiding the pickachu's trump card causing kaminari to go full brain dead

While Jirou was up in the air,Jirou stabbed kaminari in the gut shocking him and making him unconscious.¨Kyoka Jirou wins!¨All might exclaimed while sending in the medical team to send Kaminari to the medic bay.

Jirou felt kinda guilty,it took a while to heal but in the depths of her she had this feeling of guilt.This was odd as she never had a guilt for anyone.Trying not to think of it,she walked to the classroom not giving second glances at kamanari for the whole day


Hi,Author-kun here.

Sorry I never uploaded for around a year kinda maybe idk

so yeah here yeet

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