7: Sad Boi Hours

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Thomas had just finished peeing and was about to open the door to his stall when he heard voices. But they weren't just any voices, they were the voices of three of his bullies; James, Hercules, and Alexander. Strangely enough, however, he didn't feel like he would be in trouble. He listened out, James seemed to be complaining about something. He sounded distressed.

". . . like, for fuck's sake. How the fuck do you say something like that to someone you fucking care about? Well, he clearly don't. But what the fuck? And he decided to tell me right before I come to fucking school. What the fuck??? If I wasn't so dignified, I'd find him and ram my foot up his ass. But I'll be the bigger person. OH, then he has the motherfuckin' audacity to walk past me with his fella, asking us if we've met. Bitch. We go to the same fucking school. I just smiled, but I was hella pissed off. I'm actually pretty fuckin' hurt. Because. . ."

He carried on speaking, but that word "hurt", caught Thomas' attention. He thought back to the situation that morning. James wasn't being a bitch, he was hurt. Luckily Thomas hadn't cursed him or given him unnecessary shit. And this was his exact reason for why he did what he did. He refused to be horrible to other people because everyone was dealing with their own battles. Despite fearing and not necessarily being fond of James, Thomas did feel sympathetic towards him. But still, he could've had the wrong impression. But he really did seem to be talking about someone he cared about, especially seeing as he was so upset about whatever it is that happened.

". . . Anyways, it's whatever. We live and we learn. Let's go find Jeffershit."

And he was back. But even still, that didn't particularly mean he was okay deep down. Thomas waited for them to leave before coming out of his stall. He looked around cautiously before washing his hands. He then left the bathroom and made his way to the safest place on Earth.


When walking to his maths class, Thomas often went past the lockers. He was going to his maths class when he caught James at his locker. He froze and debated on whether or not to turn back. He looked behind him. If he went back, he'd be even later for class than he already was. He looked ahead, then remembered James was having problems right now. Maybe he should go tell him he's sorry. But was that really necessary? He might have been in more trouble that way, because now James knew he'd been Eve's dropping. But he looked carefully, and James seemed to be looking down, not actually swapping books over. He studied his stance, he was on his phone. Okay, he thought, going up to him. He stood behind him, James still not noticing. He put his hand behind his head.


James chucked his phone in the locker and slammed the door shut, leaning against it until he saw it was Thomas. He scowled at him.
"Dude, what the fuck!!"
Thomas took a step back and held his hands out,
"I'm- I'm s-sorry, I didn't mean to s-scare you..."
James frowned.
"You didn't fucking scare me, you bitch! Get the fuck outta here!"
Thomas swallowed,
"O-oh, I j-just wanted to--"
The shorter shoved Thomas backwards.
"I don't give a shit!! Leave me alone before I really fuck you up!!"
Thomas just nodded and rushed off to his next class.

James watched him leave then tutted. He turned around and leant his right forearm on his locker, resting his head on it. He was breathing slightly heavier than usual. He sniffed then looked around before he opened his locker again. He grabbed his now locked phone again and unlocked it, it was still in he and Charles' chat. Charles, his recent ex. He read the message over and over again, becoming more heartbroken each time he did. He still couldn't believe Charles would say something like that. But he tutted.

"Liar," he spat out loud, "such a motherfucking liar. He said he'd never hurt me. Fuck it. F-fuck him. Titty sucking bastard. FUCK HIM!!" he said a little louder, banging his fist on the metal locker. He looked around again in case he was making too much noise. He took a deep breath and straightened himself. He turned his phone off and closed his locker again, locking it. He still stood with his back against it. He looked down and bit his lip to stop himself from crying. But he soon looked up again. No. Why am I crying over him? He's a dickface and should suck his mother's fat hairy cock. Fuck him. I don't need him. Ha. Never did.

He shook his head and took another deep breath, putting his hands in his pockets and smiling. He began walking to class, although he was half an hour late now.

Let's hope he falls down the stairs and breaks his stupid face.

A/N: Don't hurt James, kids. He'll go psycho on ya.

~ T ♢

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