The day of calamity

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The phone kept ringing; Neil lost his patience and got up from his place to pick it up while thinking how people don't understand that others are busy if they are not picking up the call.... unaware of the fact that the picture displayed on it belongs to his love. As he was about to reach for it, Arnav barged in and seeing this Neil backed off shaking his head as he muttered "Pick that God damn phone Arnav, it's going crazy." and resumed his seat.

As soon Arnav saw the caller ID his face broke into a wide grin "Little one!" He greeted his voice filled with love and affection. Neil smiled seeing Arnav like this and is also stunned by the fact that Arnav is talking to someone in this tone as he knows he only does that with his family, but there's not only love and affection in his voice, there's also a protective undertone which did not go unnoticed by Neil and he wondered, who this little one is, even yesterday Arnav was asking about her maybe some small child as the name specified it.

"Oh! So, you finally had the time to answer my call." Avni said in the most annoyed voice she can muster.

"I'm so sorry little one, this deal has to be finished and you know that right, so please don't be upset. I swear after this deal is over, I'll take a day off just to be with you" Arnav tried to pacify her as he knows she's angry with him.

"Do you promise?" Avni asked.

"I promise, trust me." Arnav replied with that she said goodbye to him and left him to his work.

Arnav just sighed and smiled once again at her antics, it was not surprising that she asked for his presence or attention just rare as she still become closed off sometimes, nonetheless it brought him a great sense of happiness and contentment. Then he noticed Neil is engrossed in the paper work and that's when an idea stuck him, maybe he could ask Neil's help in finding the whereabouts of Avni and her past as he is a reputed police officer and he's the only one who he can trust with Avni's secret but Arnav kept this thought to himself as he still don't know nothing about Neil's trouble and he also had a huge doubt about Neil now being a police officer as he had not once mentioned anything about it.

Neil looked up when he noticed that Arnav has finished the call "Who's that? that person was driving me crazy along with your phone" Neil said as he got up.

"Actually, that was someone special to me and I'll introduce her to you soon" Arnav replied.

"Okay, we have to go to the meeting, it's getting late" Neil said and with that they both proceeded to their meeting room.


"Doll!!!! Look at her she's mocking me." Aarav complained to Avni who is having a huge smile plastered on her face. While Mishti stuck her tongue out at him.

"Mishti, you shouldn't do that, he's your big brother." Avni said to Mishti while ruffling Aarav's hair affectionately and it was his turn to stick his tongue out.

"Look at that, you wouldn't even let me ruffle your hair." Kushi pouted at Aarav while he laughed and replied. "Yes, no one is allowed to do that except for my doll." he said as he hugged Avni.

Avni's laugh was melodious. Kushi shook her head and turned only to notice Anjali is sitting there and admiring the trio. Kushi went and sat beside her as she said "She is happy Di."

With this Anjali turned to face Kushi and spoke "Yeah Kushiji, she is happy and relaxed with all of us, I can't thank the lord enough that he bought them in our life".

Kushi smiled at that and replied "I too think the same Di, she's Arnavji's small bundle of happiness, a person apart from you to whom he shows this much affection. And he's worried, he doesn't show it but I know somewhere deep in his heart he is afraid that he will lose her." Kushi conveyed with a sad smile.

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