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That was all Jisung could hear as his dark mind started regaining control of it's senses.

Ocean. Waves breaking. Wind blowing past him, making him subconsciously slip further into the hoodie covering his body.

Jisung eyes slowly opened, meeting only blue.

Everything was so extremely blue.

The sky was lacking all its white fluffy clouds, and the ocean layed still beneath it.

Jisung groaned. He tried moving his fingers, only to find them surrounded by water.

"Welcome back. How was you nap?" Someone said from the other side of Jisung making him turn his face to the other side.

He came face to face with the handsome brunette from before. Jisung's fatigued mind couldn't prosess it all at it's current state, making Jisung answer him with a painful and tired groan.

Jisung looked around himself again, noticing that he was laying on top of something. A table? No that couldn't be it. A surfboard? Yeah, a surfboard.

Jisung was laying face down on a surfboard, with his arms in the water beside him and his legs straight on top of the board.

The brunette beside Jisung was swimming with his legs next to the surfboard, salmontaniously holding onto its edge to keep afloat.

"How are you feeling? The ocean did you pretty dirty." The brunette asked, placing a wet hand onto Jisung's forehead to brush the hair out of his half lidded eyes.

Jisung looked around himself again, seeing nothing but blue. Absolutely nothing. Nothing but BLUE.

"Where are we?" Jisung groaned in a raspy voice.

"The ocean. In the middle of nowhere. Probably miles away from mainland. In conclusion, we're screwed." The brunette answered, his voice holding a scared tone, covered up by a happy and nonchalant one.

"Are you serious?" Jisung asked, carefully sitting up.

"Take it easy. Your body must be quite sore." The brunette said, carefully climbing onto the surfboard since Jisung had left some space open for him to claim.

Jisung looked around himself again, finally confirming that they were in fact floating around the middle of the ocean, on a tiny surfboard.

Jisung started to panic. He was floating at on a surfboard in the middle of the ocean! Ocean! Water!

"Hey, hey, calm down. It's fine. You're ok." The brunette said, grabbing Jisung head and forcing his eyes into locking with his own.

"How the fuck can you say that? We're in the middle of fucking nowhere, floating on a surfboard. I can't fucking swim, I'm gonna drown faster than you can say 'butternut squash'" Jisung said, pushing the brunette'a hands off him.

The brunette only grabbed his face harder at his actions, forcing their eyes to meet again.

"Trust me, I know. I've been floating around here for hours already while you were passed out. You're right, we're both most likely going to drown. And if not we're gonna die of hunger. But still, calm the fuck down. You freaking out is not gonna help anyone." He said in an angry voice.

Jisung calmed down a bit, not wanting to anger the beautiful stranger any more.

They were both sitting with their legs spread, hanging over the edge of the surfboard and resting in the water. Their bodies were facing each other, making it all kinda awkward. The fact that they were stuck on the small surfboard together, made it all 10x worse.

"Minho." The brunette said, making Jisung look up at him.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"My name is Minho. Lee Minho." He repeated, offering his hand for Jisung to shake.

"Han Jisung." Jisung answered, carefully shaking his hand.

Their hands immediately seperated afterwards, at the same time as their eyes were averted down to the water, or out to look at the horizon.

The two stayed silent for what seemed like hours. Just sitting there. Because what else could they do? They were trapped together in the middle of nowhere, with no way of knowing which way would lead them home.

"So... Should we like... Get to know each other?" Minho asked after a while, glancing up towards the pretty boy in front of him.

Jisung nodded his head and cleared his throat.

"Yeah sure. To pass some time." He answered, smiling softly.

Minho nodded in confirmation and smiled sadly.

"I guess I could just tell you a bit about myself. I was born in Malaysia, but moved to Korea once I turned 13. I'm studying at a university in the center of Seoul, majoring in composition and music production. I am an only child, and I have no pets. My parents are divorced, I live with my dad, since my mom lives in Malaysia still. My birthday is September 14th, and I am currently 20 years old.... I don't think there's much more to say about me." Jisung said, smiling softly.

Minho nodded his head, never letting his eyes leave Jisung's averted ones. They were just to beautiful, begging him to come closer.

"Nice. Umm. I was born In Korea, but I moved here a couple of years back to work as a dance instructor. I graduated collage with a major in modern dance and upbeat dance. I am an only child too, and I have 3 cats, soonie, doongie and dori. My parents live back home in Korea. My birthday is October 25th and I am currently 22 years old." Minho said, finally locking eyes with Jisung as the younger looked up.

Jisung smiled and nodded his head. A small - tad more comfortable - silence fell upon the two once again.

"Where did this surfboard come from anyways? It couldn't have been just floating around." Jisung asked, looking up at Minho.

"It probably fell off of one of the boats when the tsunami hit us." Minho answered with a shrug, making Jisung choke on his own spit.

"Tzunami!?" He exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah. A small Tzunami hit us last night, throwing us both aboard." Minho said with a small, sad smile.

"Oh God, what if the others were hurt?" Jisung exclaimed, feeling tears enter the crook of his eyes.

"Don't worry about them, they were inside so the weren't hurt." Minho said, grabbing Jisung's hand in a reassuring way.

Jisung nodded his head and blinked away the tears.

"Why were you outside then?" Jisung asked Minho.

"I heard yelling from outside, so I went to check it, and saw you almost drowning before a wave knocked me over the railing as well. I managed to get to you and get you above the surface, and luckily the surfboard floated by at thar very moment, so I threw you onto it and let it take us away from the Tzunami." Minho explained.

Jisung nodded his head, looking down onto the hand Minho had placed onto his. He couldn't help but feeling his heart skip a tiny beat.

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