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"Hah, I win again."

Jisung groaned and threw his playing card down onto the bed. Felix shoved his cards into Jisung's face in a taunting way, making his boyfriend scoff and pull the Australian back into his arms.

"Don't be a bitch, babe." Changbin said before kissing Felix's cheek.

Felix blushed and started collecting the cards and getting ready to deal them out for another round.

"No, please Felix. No more cards. It's no fun when you've literally won every single round." Jisung said, slumping back into the pillow.

"Aww come on. One last game." Felix pleaded.

Jisung shook his head.

"No, I'm done. Play with your boyfriend, imma head to the toilet." Jisung said, getting up from the bed.

Jisung straightened out the hospital gown he had been given. It wasn't the prettiest, but at least it covered up what needed to be covered up.

"Ok, c'mon babe, let's play a hand." Feliz said, turning to his boyfriend.

Changbin groaned.

"Lix, you know I hate card games. They're so boring and pointless." Changbin complained.

"Can't we just make out? That's way more fun than playing cards." Changbin said, pulling the cards out of Felix's hands to put them away.

Felix blushed a crimson red colour and started hitting Changbin's chest.


"Shut up, I know you love it." Changbin argued.

Jisung chuckled at their bickering, and turned around to enter the bathroom connected to his hospital room.

"Just as long as you don't fuck on my bed, knock yourselves out. I'll be back in a minute, so that's all the time you get." Jisung said, before closing the bathroom door, making sure he locked it.

Jisung sat down on the toilet doing his business. While he was sitting there he looked around the room, quickly scanning it to look for cameras, because honestly, who doesn't look for cameras when going to a foreign bathroom.

Jisung exited the bathroom once he was finished, instantly regretting it. Changbin had Felix pinned to the wall of his hospital room, looking like they were in the middle of the make-out-session Changbin proposed earlier.

Changbin held both of Felix's hands over his hand with his right hand, while his left hand was busy doing God-knows-what under Felix's shirt.

Jisung cleared his throat loudly, making the two shoot off of each other like two positive magnets. Felix quickly embraced Changbin in a hug, hiding away in embarrassment of getting caught making out with his new boyfriend, by his best friend.

Jisung only chuckled at this.

"At least we didn't fuck, be glad we have some standards." Changbin said, making Jisung snort.

Jisung smiled softly at the sight of Felix and Changbin. It warmed his heart, seeing Felix being happy with someone, but at the same time it made him miss Minho even more. He only wished the elder would wake up from his coma, so that Jisung could hold him and talk to him again.

Jisung looked out the window. His room had a view over the city, eventually leading out to the ocean. It all reminded him of Minho. Both the good and the bad things the two had gone through together.

Their flirting, their arguments, their kisses, their hugs, their late night conversations, their special moment. They had gone through so much in such a short time, Jisung wasn't ready to throw it all away yet. He might only have known Minho for 24 hours, but God did he love that boy like he had loved no man before.

While Jisung's mind was drifting off to a certain brown-haired boy, the door to Jisung's hospital room opened in a rush. A boy with brown, messy hair, wearing a white hospital gown flew inside, looking around with wide, uneasy eyes.

Jisung wipped his head around, meeting eyes with the boy. Before anyone knew what had happened, both boys leaped onto each other, hugging like there was no tomorrow.

Minho's neck was buried deeply into Jisung's neck, while Jisung was busy kissing Minho's hair repeatedly. Tears spilled out of Jisung's eyes, rolling down his cheeks and eventually landing on Minho's exposed neck.

Minho tightened his grip on Jisung's lower back, pulling the younger even closer. Their bodies were pressing together so tight that they could feel every inch of each other, and the thin hospital gown didn't exactly help.

Jisung's hands both held around Minho's head, hugging it like it would disappear once he let it go. The two pulled out of the hug, but stayed in their position nonetheless. Minho's arms were secured around Jisung's waist and Jisung's hands were glued to Minho's head, softly caressing it.

"Minho." Jisung croaked out, making more tears roll down his cheeks.

Minho smiled and started softly kissing the tears away from Jisung's face. Jisung just closed his eyes. God how he had missed the elder's touch.

Once Jisung's cheeks were free of tears Minho placed his forehead against Jisung's and sighed. They stayed like that for a second, just getting used to the feeling of holding each other close again.

Jisung started angling his chin up, hesitantly. Minho immediately took the hint and kissed Jisung deeply. Their lips moved together at a slow and comfortable pace, yet their kiss looked like they were putting some force into it, as a way of saying that this is actually happening.

Woojin burst through the door suddenly, followed by Chan, Jeongin, Hyunjin and Seungmin. A nurse rushed into the room after the 5 boys, looking stressed out.

"Mr. Lee, you cannot run off from your room, we do not know if you're medically-" The nurse immediately stopped speaking once her eyes landed upon the two boys sharing a loving and emotional kiss.

Her gaze softened, and a soft smile spread across her face. Minho and Jisung kissed a couple more times before pulling away to catch their breaths.

Jisung placed his head on Minho's shoulder, while Minho drew a few deep breaths to calm down.

"Mr. Lee, if you'd like that I think I can arrange a semi-private room for you and your boyfriend to stay in together." The nurse offered, making Minho turn to her.

"That would be amazing, thank you so much." Minho answered, showing the nurse a wide smile.

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