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Jisung and Minho were laying together, cuddled up in Minho bed. The sound of Minho heartbeat on the monitor was no longer a sound that caused them discomfort, it was reassuring in a way. And it also exposed Minho each time Jisung made his heart rate go up, a thing Jisung used very much to his advantage.

Jisung kept leaving small kisses all over Minho's face and neck, loving how each time Minho's heart would beat faster.

"Jisungie~" Minho whined as Jisung started nibbling on his neck for the millionth time.

Jisung only laughed and continued what he was doing, eventually going over to licking and kissing his neck as well. Minho sighed in defeat and moved his head to the side - granting the younger better access.

Jisung took the hint and moved to hover over Minho while he continued, beginning to leave small marks all over Minho's neck. Minho grabbed Jisung's hip with his free hand, softly massaging his side.

Jisung began trailing kisses up Minho's neck, over to his cheek and lastly to capture his lips in a soft kiss. Minho let out a small hum in approval, and moved his hand to Jisung's neck.

Minho's other hand, and half of his body was connected with wires to monitor everything about his body. Jisung knew the feeling, since he had been the one unable to move because of the millions of wires on his body a few days before.

Jisung disconnected their lips, and showed Minho a sweet smile. The elder smiled back, while admiring the stunning beauty of the boy over him.

Jisung's eyes traveled down to Minho's neck, makign him giggle in realization.

"Youre mine now, hyung." Jisung said against Minho's lips before giving them a soft kiss.

Minho's eyebrows furrowd.

"What do you mean, babe?"

"I marked you, so you're mine now." Jisung sweetly answered as he plopped down onto Minho and hugged his chest.

Minho laughed to himself as he ran his free hand through Jisung's hair.

"You know i could be yours officially." Minho said, making Jisung hum.

"That sounds perfect." Jisung answered in a dreamy voice.

Minho laughed again and left a kiss on the top of Jisung's head.

"It does doesnt it."

The room went silent for a moment.

"I can't wait until we both get out of here." Minho said with a sigh, making Jisung's body rise and fall together with Minho chest.

"Me neither. I want to be with you without nurses coming to check on us every half hour. I want to go out with you for real. I want to do all that lame domestic stuff with you. I want to watch you grow old." Jisung said, loving how his words made Minho's heart rate increase.

Minho kissed Jisung's head again, taking a second to breathe in his scent.

"I love you Jisung. So friggin much. Everything you just said - it all sounds perfect. I cant imagine my life any other way." Minho said, making Jisung's heart go crazy in his chest.

"I love you too, Minho. I love you more than you can imagine." Jisung answered.

Minho smiled and lifted Jisung's head off of his chest. The elder pulled Jisung in for a kiss. He could feel Jisung smile against his lips making him smile too. The two eventually had to pull away because they were smiling so widely, they were practically kissing with their teeth.


Jisung and Minho walked down the street, hands intertwined amd laughs escaping their lips. Minho's free hand was softly rubbing Jisung's cheek, trying to remove the chocolate ice cream he had managed to spill.

"Get a room you two." Felix yelled from the sideline, right before getting slapped on the ass by Changbin for being rude to the new couple.

Jisung and Minho only laughed and walked up to their group of friends. It was still a mystery to everyone how they had all managed to fall for someone within the same group of friends. They werent a group of friends anymore, as much as they were a group of couples.

Chan, Jeongin and Woojin's relationship was still a mystery to everyone, as they had decided not to label it, but it didn't really matter as long as they were happy.

"Ok, where to next?" Seungmin asked the group right begore taking a bite out of his and Hyunjin's shared ice cream.

"My place? I mean i got enough space for everyone and enough food to feed us all." Minho answered with a shrug.

Everyone agreed and started walking towards Minho's place. Once they entered they were greeted by Minho's famous cats. Jeongin, Seungmin and Felix immediately started chasing the cats around, wanting their love more than their boyfriends' love.

Jisung followed Minho into the elder's bedroom to put down their shopping bags. Jisung practically lived in Minho's house. He visited the elder so often he might as well move in already.

The fact that Minho lived in a small tropical island, and Jisung lived back in Korea wasn't even the slightest bit of a challenge to the two. Jisung spent all the time he could in paradise with Minho, only flying back when he absolutely had to.

The two had of course talked about moving in together, but Jisung had a contract with a producer in Korea that didn't end quite yet, so they had decided to wait. Despite, Jisung could easily work from Minho's place.

Jisung put his bags down beside the rest of his stuff and turned to Minho. The elder was pulling his stuff out of the shopping bags, not payign attention to his surroundings at all.

Jisung quickly waddled over to Minho and hugged him tightly. Minho let out a breathy laugh and turned around to pick up his boyfriend. Jisung's legs wrapped tightly around Minho's waist, while Minho held him up by the thighs.

Jisung giggled and glanced down to Minho's lips while biting his own. The elder took this as an invitation, and quickly kissed his boyfriend. Jisung, of course, kissed him back, while feeling Minho's hands slide up to cup his ass cheeks.

"No fucking while the babies are in the house." Chan's voice suddenly said, making the two pull away from their kiss.

Chan was standing in the opening of Minho's room, looking at the two with raised eyebrows and a teasing smirk.

"Shut up, we all know you're fucking the baby himself." Minho answered, making Jisung giggle.

Chan rolled his eyes and walked away, probably going to check on the rest of the kids, like the good dad he is.

Minho turned back to his boyfriend and pecked his lips before setting him down. Jisung pouted and hugged Minho tightly.

"I love you, Minmin." Jisung mumbled in his baby voice, making Minho melt.

I love you too baby." Minho answered as he ran his fingers through Jisung's hair.

Jisung smiled at this and snuggled into Minho's chest. He had never felt this happy before. Minho was his happy place. With Minho was where he belonged. In Minho's arms.

The enddddddddddd :)

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