bonus chapter!

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Dedicated to Yeontan.

In a sauntering manner, I make my way home after purchasing some tasty goodies not only for myself but for Seokjin Oppa as well from the convenience store which is just a few blocks away from home

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In a sauntering manner, I make my way home after purchasing some tasty goodies not only for myself but for Seokjin Oppa as well from the convenience store which is just a few blocks away from home.

I had the sudden urge and crave for sweet cheap Korean treats hence I had quickly changed out of my pajamas and dressed up in the first presentable thing that my hands came into contact with.

A pale blue t-shirt and a black skirt.

I also threw on a pair of black and white Levi's instead of formal shoes, just so I could get to the store at a faster rate.

Sometimes I question my own sanity but then again when you're dating Taehyung, your sanity level doesn't really matter because being weird with him is one of the few things that I treasure the most in this world.

He's a great boyfriend with lots of love to give and when I say lots, I mean lots. That boy is crazy with affection. Every chance he gets he would lunge at me and squeeze me in a tight hug be it at home or school or he'd wanna do those cheesy couple type of things and binge watch movies, series or even anime.

But... In any case, I really like it that way.

And most importantly, he doesn't pressure me into doing anything that I don't want to do or anything that I'm not ready for. In other words, he's super considerate and that's one of my top reasons why I know my love for him will not wither.

Despite my thoughts running wildly over Taehyung, I take notice of the park which I'm about to pass by. This park is the landmark indicating that I'm about halfway home but as I pass the entrance I hear voices and soft barking which somehow sounds so vulnerable.

So, I decide to slowly come to a halt, and my grocer packet brushes against my knee and it comes to a stagnant stop as well. I peer myself half way passed the brick pillars and take a peek at whatevers going on in there because it's quite late, since the sky is burning a shade of burnt orange.

My eyes tries to locate where the voices are coming from, because the parks quite huge, and it scans around for a bit longer before it finally locates a small band of teenagers, about three of them, looking to be around the ages of fifteen or sixteen.

I raise an eyebrow as I watch all three of them stretch their right hands far behind them before suddenly launching something into the air. My eyes follows the flying object which they just propelled, trying to figure out what in the world it is and finally, I pin it as a pebble sized stone.

I stare on in confusion before looking over to where the stone would land and once I locate their target my eyes widens in pure terror.

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