The Seas Have Gone Dry and The Rain Stopped Falling

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Freddie woke up and went to the living room, only to see John curled up on the couch. He had no blanket on, whatsoever. His teeth were clenched and there were still unwashed tear stains on his cheeks which really broke Freddie. It was clear that he came home at the middle of the and cried himself to sleep, just like Freddie did.

"John?" He called out with an unstable voice.

John turned on the couch and rubbed his eyes. Then he got up and walked pass Freddie, to the kitchen, without saying a word, ignoring him. Freddie followed him.

"Would you like some tea, darling?" He asked, sympathetically.

John didn't reply or looked at Freddie whilst he got out a teacup and a teabag. He heated some water in the kettle and then poured it to the cup, putting the bag in it.

"So-so you returned?"

John took a sip before answering.
"Not to you but to the band, yes. Because I thought why would I give up on something I love because of somebody."
In the word "somebody" there was an obvious innuendo. He had emphasized it.

"Why did you sleep on the couch?"

"Yeah, I would cuddle with you..." John said, sarcastically.

"No, I didn't mean that. From now on please sleep in the bed and I'll sleep here."

"No Freddie. I'm better here. No connection, remember?"

"I-I'm sorry John. Will you forgive me or do you need a bit of time?"

"Nah, nah...I don't think I'll need a bit of time."
A sparkle appeared in Freddie's eyes.
"I'll need a lot of time."
The sparkle died quicker than it appear.

John sipped his drink once again before Brian and Roger entered the room.
Freddie was in utter shock. There wasn't a John who was fragile, in fact it was the total opposite.
They silently prepared breakfast.
During breakfast, John only spoke with Roger. It was a conversation full of sarcasm and innuendos.

"So Roger, how's life going?"



"I just found out my boyfriend's cheating on me."

"Oh my God! Me too!"

Roger flashed a sharp look at Brian as John did the same to Freddie. After a while, John stood up and went out of the kitchen as fast as possible, without putting his dishes in the sink like he normally would do.
Though, all of them saw him cover his mouth and heard his hicough while he was going out.
Aaaand...fragile John was back...

A Week Later

Brian was still sleeping but Roger just couldn't. He was feeling nauseous.
Was he getting sick? He couldn't!
He knew taking pills while pregnant may risk the baby. He hoped he wasn't and turned in the bed. He saw Brian was still sleeping peacefully.
He wondered if he should forgive him or not. He was his kid's other dad but also the man who cheated on him. He was the most precious being on earth-after the baby now- for Roger. He loved him. If he hadn't done something like that, they'd be cuddling and dreaming of how the baby would look.

His thoughts were cut-short when he gagged and started running to the bathroom. He locked the door after him and vomitted in the toilet, at the last second.

When he finished, he flushed the toilet and put the seat down. He sat on it. He got hit with the realization that he wasn't getting sick but it was the normal pregnancy nauseousness.
That was releaving.
He brushed his teeth and sat on the toilet again. After only a few seconds, he felt hot tears running down his face.
He was doing this everyday for the past week, more than once, everyday. Locking himself in the bathroom and crying.

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