Chapter 29

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"Hey Momma, what've you got for me?" Morgan asked as he opened the plastic evidence bag containing Crow's clothes and the items he had on him when he was taken to the hospital.

"I think I've got an ID on this vorona guy. I expanded my search through cases nationwide trying to find a partial match for his DNA profile and I got a hit." Garcia replied, "On October 19th 2011, the body of a 60 year old man was found in a log cabin in Antrim County, Michigan. He had been shot in the head, execution style."

"I sense you're building up to a name, Garcia." Morgan said, his voice was coaxing.

"Well that's sort of the thing. I have two names. Crow is between 30 and 40 years old right?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"Well the man found in the cabin's name was Samuel Castan. He owned a family run construction business in Detroit, Castan and Sons. His sons' names were Francis and Sebastian."


"Samuel Castan was on vacation at the log cabin with his two sons. Their bodies were never found."

"And let me guess, both sons would be aged between 30 and 40 today."

"And thus we reach my dilemma. Francis would be 38 and Sebastian would be 35."

"Well at least we know who he is now, if not exactly who. What else can you tell me about them?"

"I haven't got much. Their parents divorced when the boys were young, Francis was 8 and Sebastian was 5. Their mother won full custody and remarried within 2 years to one Peter Walsh. This is where the story turned sour. Police were called to the household numerous times due to domestic disturbances but no charges were ever filed against the stepfather. I've also found records of suspicious trips to the emergency room for both boys but it would appear the older brother was a target more often than the younger. When their mother died in 1990, they went to live with their father in Detroit."

"Okay, thanks Babygirl. Let me know if anything else turns up." Morgan sighed and hung up, looking over the grand total of items belonging to Crow. A dirty pair of shorts, a t-shirt that was stiffened with dried blood- blood he knew once flowed inside the veins of Crow and JJ- and a crowbar and blanket they had recovered from the Ghosts' quarters.

There was also broken chess piece tied into a necklace but Morgan knew that had belonged to JJ. He also knew that Santiago knew something about that necklace that the BAU team didn't.

He shook his head and began putting the items back into the bag. It wasn't much, certainly not something that he could leave in Crow's hospital room so that he had something familiar when he woke up. As he was replacing the shorts, however, he realized there was something tucked into the fabric of the waistband.

Frowning, he carefully eased out the 'something'. It was a folded piece of tattered card. It was faded and water damaged. There was the remnants of what looked like blood staining one corner. It was fragile at the folds, it had been unfolded and refolded regularly.

On the card, Morgan could see very pale colors, faded and distorted to that the image the once portrayed was entirely unrecognizable. It must once have been a photograph, of what, he had now idea but whatever it was, it must have been important to Crow for him to keep it for this long. He carefully refolded the photo and slipped it into his wallet where it wouldn't be damaged, then resealed the evidence bag.

He was about to leave, then stopped for a moment. Santiago would disapprove but he could deal with Santiago later. He opened the evidence bag once more and took out the chess-piece necklace, placing it carefully in his pocket. He knew the items were about to be released from evidence, taking them one day early wouldn't do any harm. He knew the necklace meant a lot to JJ.

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