Chapter 3

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Jane goes to Shoprite to get some groceries and other household items. The positivity radiating around her makes the experience enjoyable. Every man that walks past gets a second look, even if she has to turn her neck several notches backwards to catch a glimpse. The long lost joyful vibe is fast returning.

On arriving home, she parks the car in the garage, then her phone rings. To her surprise, it's Binzette on the line. The match-maker had earlier called twice.

"Hi, Binzette. Sorry I missed your calls," Jane's high pitch voice pierces through.

"You have a message for me?"

"Yes...yes. It's a lucky day for you. Three men want to meet you. When will you be available for introductions?"

"Whoooah! I'm free from half-past four tomorrow evening."

"Okay, then. I'll send you their details soon, so you'll pick the one to meet first."

"Cool...Really cool."

An hour later, Jane receives an email providing details of three men, each desiring a female partner. She's also free to check them online. The profiles – detailed as they are – are all from African men, but their profession differs just as their backgrounds. She spends the rest of the evening browsing through to make a choice. She later calls.

"Can I see two of the three men? I'm liking more than one of the guys."

"No problem. You can meet them all, but you'll make three weekly visits here. We only invite one person per week."

"Great. I'll be there tomorrow evening as promised."

"Okay. Remember to indicate the person you wish to meet first."


Though the day started with a sour mood, Jane returns to bed excited. If only she'd made this decision long ago, her child would perhaps be celebrating her fifth birthday now. Well, better late than never. She can't wait for Thabo.

"Thabo!" his name sounds like a thunderbolt and his face brings joy. But pictures can be deceiving; she'll wait and see what he stands for. What if she doesn't like him? Niggling questions crop up.

Sunday evening, Jane spends two hours dressing up. Going out to meet a man hasn't happened in a while, and so preparing for this outing brings old memories. But now that a professional is doing the introductions, interaction should be smooth.

The decision on what to put on is a problem as usual. Eventually, she sets aside her spaghetti straps for a knee-length dress, recalling that falling in love isn't on the agenda. However, she takes special care in augmenting her bust.

"He shouldn't think I have four kids at home," that might be the deal-breaker.

At the agency, there aren't people queueing up like the previous day. Sundays are for introductory meetings for intending partners. Jane gets taken to a new section and she finds the environment suitable. Two chairs are set up opposite each other, separated by a table on which lay a tray holding fresh rose flowers. The fragrance tickles her nostrils as pristine love reawakens in her heart.

"Where is Binzette?" she asks, glancing around. The counsellor should usher Thabo in right away. It's 17:05 already and it's looking like the agency isn't punctual. The meeting was meant for 17:00.

As she picks up her iPhone to browse the agency's website again, a deep voice alerts her that someone has stepped in.

"Jane Arshi," the visitor says, putting on a smile.

"Yes?" she stands up, thinking Binzette has sent a colleague to do the introduction.

But on a second assessment, the face looks familiar. Yes, it's Thabo, the one she's here to meet. Her heart beats faster as she sizes him up, trying to recall seeing him many times before. Just as they take their seats opposite each other, creases form on her forehead.

"Aren't you my neighbour's husband? I see you around block four in San-Marino courthouse."

"You're right. I'm Thabo," he stares deep into her eyes. "And I know this face very well too."

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