The date

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You and alexander and marco have been in hell for a month you where starting to get use to it and you where vaggies best friend (besides everyone elses bestie) you started to notice alastor blushed when he saw you, you didn't know why but you thought it was due to being cold. Also you found out vaggie and charlie are dating
(Oh how wrong you where y/n)

You where at the counter checking demons in until it was your break vaggie took you place while you where going out for lunch.

Later at a diner

You where eating a ruban sandwich (if you don't know what that is go try it) until you heard someone behind you say "Hello darling!" You looked to see alastor in front of you on the other side of the table. You said "hello alastor come here to?" He smiled and said "of corse its the only place where they dont have strippers or hand drugs to you on a silver platter." You nodded in agreement, he looked away his face a bit flushed and he said "u-um y/n I was wondering if you would like to go on a date w-with me?" This made you flush and a million thoughts. You looked at him and said "yes!"


You where getting ready for the date vaggie and charlie where helping you do your makeup because you didn't know the first thing about it. When they where done vaggie looked at you and said "listen y/n alastor is a dangerous demon be careful please..." charlie looked at vaggie and said "she'll be fine vaggie i know you care about her but she will be fine" you looked at vaggie and hugged her and let go and said "thanks vaggie and charlie im glad you did my makeup but vaggie all will be fine" she looked at you and smiled. Vaggie and charlie left.

(Vaggies pov)

I really care for y/n she's my best friend and I dont want her being toyed with...

(Your pov)
and you looked at yourself you where wearing a red skin tight fish tail dress your hair was curly. You heard a knock at the door you walked to the door and saw alastor he was wearing a red suit with a white under shirt and black pants. He smiled at you and said "shall we get going darling?~" you smiled and said "I would love to" he grabbed your hand and led you out of the hotel and into his car. He drove through the city to a restaurant, it had a 1930s style he led you out of the car and you both walked into the restaurant and he led you to a table and soon after a waiter walked over and said "hello welcome to fallen angles diner what would you two lovers like?" He ordered a Venison while you ordered a steak she walked away you looked at alastor and said "you like venison? I dont believe I've had venison before." He looked at me and smirked and said. "Well if must know yes I do enjoy venison and yes im a cannibal." Then you both got your food, you started eating and you looked up to see alastor had a fork infront of you, with a piece of venison so you took a bite. it was amazing!

(Alastors pov)

When I first met y/n my heart flatterd she is beautiful she was so kind, she reminds me of my mother she is so kind. And today I mustard up the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend and she said yes and im taking her out on a date! And seeing her in that dress it just makes her so sexy~

Ok so I was on writers block and I was wondering if you guys would like a lemon? Btw I would like to write one and see how it would go write in the comments if you want one

Joelintheskeleton out~

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