Chapter 3

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A couple hours had passed before Amon noticed Eyepatch stirring. His first reaction was relief that he was waking up at all, and then panic because the waking ghoul in front of him may in fact be Centipede again. The angry-red wounds hadn't made much progress, so the ghoul was sure to be starving and dangerous. Please be Eyepatch, please not Centipede, please, please... Amon clutched his briefcase close, but did not take out the quinque – he didn't want to provoke the ghoul.

Eyepatch opened his eyes. They were a soft grey, and he appeared calm as he looked around the room. A flash of recognition came across his face as he took in his surroundings, and the ghoul muttered "Hide?" softly. Amon sighed in relief. Immediately the ghoul's eyes flicked over to where the investigator sat, and a horrified and utterly confused expression took over his features.

"It's okay," Amon said, "I'm not going to hurt you." Wow, cheezy.

Eyepatch clearly didn't believe that as he tried to sit up, and slumped back down from weakness. He tried again, this time successfully, but in his struggle to rise the blood again began to ooze from his wounds.

"Listen," Amon pleaded, terrified the blood loss would kill the ghoul, "I- I found you in the sewers. You had gone crazy and I knocked you out. Then Nagachika came." The ghoul stopped at the name, perfectly still, staring at Amon with conflicted expression. Is he hopeful, maybe? Scared? Threatened? No, threatening. The ghoul's eyes had taken on a steely glint. Wait, is he angry? Cold? Maybe he's wondering if I'm on his side? Suddenly, it hit him: Oh, shit, he thinks I might have hurt Hide! Amon quickly continued the story:

"He told me to bring you here. He's coming soon; he said he has to finish the mission and get you some... uh... stuff."

At this all the hostility left Eyepatch's face. He seemed unsure.

"Why are you doing this?" Eyepatch asked in a quiet voice.

"A life for a life. You've spared me twice; it's only fair. And I have questions I need you to answer. But those can wait. For now, you need to heal."

"How do you know Hide?"

"He's the CCG's messenger boy."

Eyepatch's eyes widened. "Hide works at the CCG?" he asked.

"Yes, and he's been trying to find you throughout the time he's worked here."

At this, Eyepatch looked more comforted. He smiled softly.

"Just who is Nagachika to you?" Amon asked. Eyepatch gave him a look as if to say isn't it obvious? and replied, "My best friend."

"Oh." He still had so many questions, of course, but Eyepatch had a far-away look in his eyes that made Amon quiet. What's he thinking about? He looks so sad. The city lights outside seemed to dim as all Amon focused on was the minute changes in Eyepatch's expressions. Time became hard to measure and he couldn't tell how long they sat like this. Eventually Amon snapped out of it when he realized he was staring. He quickly averted his eyes, suddenly finding the piles of Nagachika's manga on the coffee table very interesting.

Now each minute on the clock seemed to drag on. When Amon couldn't take the silence any more, he turned back to Eyepatch and asked, "Would you like some coffee?"


"Ghouls like coffee, right?"

"Oh. Yes, please. Black."

Amon got up and went to the kitchen. After a sufficient amount of rummaging and snooping around the cupboards he found some ancient-looking instant-coffee and a couple of mugs. Yikes, this is going to be horrible. He set to work. Oh well, at least this way I'll be getting something into the ghoul's stomach while Hide takes his sweet time getting over here. When Amon had looked up at Eyepatch he'd noted grimly that the ghoul had been staring at him. He also hadn't missed the hunger in his eyes, quickly followed by surprise and shame. Eyepatch at least had the decency to look embarrassed when I turned around and caught that face. His eyes hadn't changed color, though, so that's good. The coffee was done. He picked up the steaming mugs, steeled his nerves, and walked back into the living room. Back to the hungry ghoul. Amon was beginning to think Hide would never come back. 

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