The Team

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3rd POV

In the cramped space that was the Titans living room an intense battle was being waged. The Titans were fighting desperately to keep the two Psimons away from Raven and Robin, who were both motionless behind them, while The Team was being used as a way to battle through to the comatose Titans. This time around the partners were different than before. Since he had access to kryptonite Nightwing went after Superboy and was actively in the middle of punching him in the face with a pair of kryptonite tipped brass knuckles, Starfire had decided to take Robin since the Titans all knew that between the two of them she was always better at fighting, Wonder Girl decided to take on Miss Martian who was no longer incapacitated, Beast Boy was turning into the fastest animals he could to fight Kid Flash, and Blue Beatle was tag-teaming Artemis and Aqualad the best he could. Unfortunately while on most of those fronts the Titans were winning the team was starting to overtake them. Come on Raven, hurry! Beast Boy thought desperately as he morphed into a hummingbird to dodge a black gloved punch. Blue Beatle buckled as he tried to simultaneously block a hit from Aqualad's water bearer and shoot a trick arrow shot by Artemis. The arrow exploded and covered him in a thick green foam.
"Uagh! I can't move! Dios mío! Someone wake up Raven!"

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