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      I slowly wake the next morning, just as the sun starts to rise. I try and stand, but the pain from my father's kicks last night rips through me like a knife. I collapse in a heap, refusing to cry. Just a little while longer. I have saved almost enough for a dorm at UA. All I need is a few hundred more. I'm so close to getting out of this hellhole. I somehow manage to drag myself to my feet and get dressed, however painfully. As I walk down the stairs I see the huge mess he left last night. I pick up all the beer bottles I find, filling the trash can in the process, and wash the dishes quickly. I look around, satisfied. This will have to work till I have more time. I walk out of the house, knowing it wont be long till I can leave. I look at my phone and see that I'm running behind, so I rush to school.


     Just as I sit down in my seat, the bell rings,I sigh in relief. Mr. Aizawa walks in, swathed in yellow sleeping bag as always. "I'm tired, so use this time to study or whatever. Just dont wake me up." Aizawa and his husband Hizashi just adopted a little girl named Eri. I've seen her wandering through the halls every once in a while. She really is adorable. They also have a son, Shinsou, I believe. He goes to UA but is in a different major. I grab my journal out of my bookbag, sketching the trees outside the classroom windows. I suddenly feel someone tap my shoulder and flinch so harshly my sketchbook falls to the floor, connecting with a sharp snap. Todoroki quickly reaches down to grab the book, setting it back on my desk. I flush and mumble my thanks. "Don't worry, Midoriya, it was my fault anyways. I want to talk to you about the project we were assigned in english." Oh that's right, we have to partner up and make a presentation on the book we recently finished. "What about it?" I ask. "Well, I was wondering if u wanted to be my partner?" "Of course, Shoto! I'd love to!" Dad has to work a little bit later today, so that will be perfect. "How about u come to my house after school and we can work on it there?" He agrees and walks away. Hopefully we get it done quickly. When dad comes home late, he's always in a horrible mood. And drunk.


Shoto walks with me to my house and I'm very relieved I picked up a bit this morning. I pull Todoroki towards my room, not wanting him to get a good look at the dark living room. We walk down the hallway, light from the windows reflecting fully off the light blue walls. My mom decorated the house. Dad let it go to hell. We reach my sanctuary and I force myself not to look down the hall at the room. Once inside I can tell Shoto notices how little decoration I have in my room. The walls are blank except for a couple of my sketches, and the only furniture is my bed, dresser, and my desk with a chair. He says nothing though. We work on our project for a bit, losing track of time...
Until we hear the door slam. Our heads instantly turns toward the door, my whole body instantly tensing. Oh my god. How could I have been so stupid! I hear his heavy footsteps echoing off the hardwood flooring. "Izuku~" he calls out in a sickeningly sweet voice." "I'm HOME!" I reach for Todoroki and get him to stand before putting in my closet. "No matter what you hear, you cannot, under any circumstances, come out of this closet till I come and get you." I rush, being as quiet as possible. He looks like he's going to argue, but something in my eyes must convince him not to. I shut the door gently, and then sit on my bed just as my father slams the door open. "There you are, you worthless brat. No wonder Bakugou calls you Deku. It does mean useless, right?" I stay quiet. Not a good idea. I feel his hand grab my jaw with unbelievable strength. "ANSWER ME!!" He roars. Suddenly the doorbell rings and he straightens up. "Go answer that, then meet me in Her room. And keep quiet about this." I nod and he heads toward mom's room. Once I hear the door click shut I rush to the closet and Shoto looks at me like he's about to bombard me with questions. "Not now. Please. I'll explain tomorrow. Now let's go!" I lead him towards the door and one it to find Shoto's older brother, Touya, also known as Dabi. He jerks his head, motioning for Shoto to follow him and heads toward the car. Todoroki looks at me in helplessness before following his brother. I stand there until I can no longer see their car before slowly shutting the door. I lean my forehead against the wall as I slowly lock the door. I turn slowly, dreading what is to come. I happen to glance at the calendar and immediately my heart stops. Today is my birthday. The anniversary of my mother's death.

896 words

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