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       It has been 3 weeks since the trial. I've almost completely lost my bad habits, which makes Shoto feel better. I know he was upset by how I had been treated. We've gotten really close since he saved me, and I have caught feelings for him. Yes, I'm gay. I never told my father though. There was never a reason to. I have something planned but I'm not sure what Sho will think. I'm not even sure he's gay. But it's worth a shot. I'm sick of hiding. So today is the day.

       I approach Sho, who is sitting on the couch watching some cooking show. "Hey Shoto?" I ask, my voice coming out soft. "He immediately turns the TV of and focuses on me. "What's up, Izu?" He asks, a little concern creeping into his tone. "Um," I sit down next to him. "I... I like you, Shoto." He immediately answers. "I like you too, Izu." He says, still looking confused. "No, I don't mean like that. I mean that I want to be your boyfriend. That is, only if you want the same!" I quickly add. Sho looks stunned and doesnt say anything. My heart drops. "I shouldn't have said anything, forget I brought it up." I say and run to my bedroom. As soon as the door shuts, I start crying. I crawl under the covers on my bed, curling up. Why did I have to mess this up? Every time something is going well, I screw it up. He probably doesn't want me to stay here anymore. I lay there crying until I fall asleep

Shoto's POV:

    I sit in shock on the couch as Izuku runs to his bedroom. He.... likes me? How could he like me? I don't mean that in a homophobic manner, as I am gay myself, I just don't know what he could see in me. I sit pondering for a few minutes, then decide to call dabi, he should know what to do. I pick up the phone and hit the green icon beside his name. He answers almost instantly. "What's up little bro?" He asks. "I need your help, Dabi." "With what?" He asks, his tone serious. "Izuku just told me he likes me. Like, has feelings for me. And I don't know what to do." Dabi let's out a small chuckle. "Well, do you like him?" He asks. "Yes! What's not to like? I just don't know how to show him I feel the same." He thinks for a moment. "Well, when I confessed to Hawks, I had a romantic dinner set up at my house and asked him out. Maybe you could try that?" He and Hawks have been married for a couple of years now and I've never seen a couple more perfect for each other than they are. "That's a great idea! Thanks, Dabi. Tell Hawks I said hi." Alrighty, I will. He hangs up and I go to the kitchen, getting out the ingredients to make pork cutlet bowls, seeing as those are Izuku's favorite. Once I have mostly finished the meal, I set the table, lighting some candles. Then I change my mind and blow out the candles. I don't want Izu to have flashbacks. Not tonight. I pour some cider into glasses for us and place them on the white cloth now covering the table. I place the food into bowls and put them across from each other, directly in front of our seats. I run out to the front yard and grab a few roses to place in a vase for the centerpiece at the table. I do one final check to make sure everything looks perfect then I go to get Izuku. I knock on his door and softly call out to him. He doesnt answer and he has locked the door so I grab the key from my pocket and open the door. There he lay on the bed, asleep. As I get closer I can see the tear stains on his cheecks. My heart throbs. He thinks I rejected him. I feel so horrible I almost cry myself, but I manage to hold back. I walk up to him and gently shake his shoulder. "Izu~, please wake up, I have a suprise for you." His eyes open a little, then he shuts them tightly. "Leave me alone Shoto. I don't want to be reminded you don't like me back..." he trails off at the end, rolling himself over. "I never said that, Izu" I hear his voice catch. He slowly turns back to me and opens his eyes. "What are you saying, Sho?" I hold out my hand. After a brief moment of hesitation he takes it and I help him up. We walk to the kitchen and when he sees the set up, he gasps. "Sho... you did this?" He asks, looking up at me. "Yes. For you." I answer simply. He covers his mouth as tears of happiness spill from his eyes. We sit and eat, Izuku pausing only for a second before eating. We talk about small things, nothing serious. Not yet. Once we finish, I look at him. "Izu, I do like you. A lot, actually. So would do me the honor of being my boyfriend?" He gasps and looks into my eyes, looking for any trace of deception. Once he realizes I'm being completely truthful, he breaks out into the brightest smile I have ever seen. His eyes sparkle with happiness. Dear god, I've already fallen for him. He pushes away from the table and walks over to me. He gently places his hands on my cheecks and looks directly at me. "Sho, why would I deny myself of my greatest desire?" He asks, then softly places his lips on mine. Its brief and chaste, but the emotions behind it are anything but. We stare at each other in adoration and love, not wanting this feeling to ever end. After a few minutes we walk back to his room and fall asleep in each others arms, happy knowing that, at least for tonight, we have each other.

1024 words

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