A Short Interlude

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"Why are they coming on the same day?", Alex asked herself for the 1000th time.

"Because we didn't plan this, any of this, those two have to behave, Kara is not in any condition to deal with their constant bickering.", Kelly answered, she knew about the famous Lane arguments.

Kara was noticeably freaking out from all the stress in the house, and for the first time since she arrived, Sam was just as tense. The kiss was weighing her mind. She needed to talk to someone, anyone. "Can you too just stop?!?", Sam yelled. She saw Kara cringe and looked over at her, smiled and then when back at Kelly and Alex. "Please stop, please stop stressing her out, stop stressing me out, just stop."

Alex and Kelly stopped. Their mouths closed, they both looked at Kara, then at Sam then at each other. "Thank you.", Sam said taking a deep breath.

"Ruby, please take Kara outside. Go down to the lake and punch trees or something, no flying."

"Okay mom.", Ruby took Kara outside.

"You two, the house is clean, so just stop. I get that Lois and Lucy dislike each other, but if the situation gets stressful, it's not good for Kara.", Sam said.

"And since the kiss.", Alex piped up.

"Not now Alex, please."

It was the please that got Alex and Kelly attention. They looked at each other, and Alex decided to let the professional do her job. Alex headed upstairs to help her mom straighten up.

"Okay Sam, let's talk."

"About what!", she snapped.

"The kiss, the fact that you are in love with Kara, the fact that no matter what anyone else in this house thinks, she still loves Lena. The fact that you don't want to be a rebound."

Sam hung her head, "How did I let this happen?"

"How did you let what happen?"

"This, me, falling for Kara, being in love with her while she's is, was, whatever with Lena. And Lena, she wants to push me right into Kara's arms. Every time Kara gets out of a relationship, she falls right back into another one, she is never alone, I know she can take care of herself, but does she.?"

"Whoa Sam, relax hon, deep breath."

"Sorry, all this is too much, Kara needs friends right now, not another relationship that will break in 6 months or a year. I want something permanent; I don't want Kara to regret being with me, thinking it was because she was like this." Sam vented.

"Then don't tell her how you feel. Take your own feelings into account, be her friend, well, be an even better friend, but, work, live your life, with and without Kara.", Kelly said. "If it's meant to be Sam, then it will happen."

"What about Ruby?"

"Ruby still has Aunt Kara, and she might be old enough to understand, that you two need time. Kara is going to lean on you, are you strong enough to support her Sam." Kelly asked.

"I will do my very best.", Sam smiled.

Alex, Alura and Eliza came down the stairs. Sam had to look twice since Alura wasn't wearing her Kryptonian clothing. "We heard you upstairs, and we all agree we have been pushing, it's not good for you Sam, and we are all sorry.", Alex said. Sam gathered Alex into a hug, and for just a minute, she let herself be the one that didn't have to be so strong.

"Are you still wanting to move out here from Metropolis Sam?", Alex asked.

"Alex, I want to be closer to all of you, the fact that I am in love with Kara, and that I hope one day she will feel the same about me, that's part of why I want to be closer. Kara needs a support system, but right now she needs a friend more than I need her to be in love with me."

Eliza and Alura nodded, and Kelly, Alex and Sam hugged. Then Sam headed to the back door, she just stood and watched the two most important women in her life.

Wattpad doesn't have a place for notes, so I want to apologize for the length of this part, but I needed to step back and look at what I was doing to these characters, and their health.  I was rushing the story for sake of plot, and hurting the characters. Thank you to all the readers, I am going to continue, but I am as you can tell, going to let Sam step back and see if it was meant to be.

Once again, sorry, and thank you for reading.

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