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Before Sam even realized it, she was halfway to National City. She was so worried about Kara, that she almost turned around to head back to Midvale, but Kara had her family with her, they would make sure she was okay until Sam got back to Eliza's. As she slowed down, she began to notice what Kara told her about flying, how peaceful it was, how everything was quieter, although she hated this part of herself, because of Reign, she had to admit that the ability to fly was amazing.

As she flew over the city, she noticed a mugging a few blocks from Lena's condo. She thought to herself 'Just ignore it', but then, she thought 'What would Kara do?' She flew quickly down and landed in the shadows. Using her heat vision like Kara taught Ruby, she melted the rubber on the soles of the mugger's shoes, sticking him to the sidewalk. Then she told the victim to call the police, and she flew off. 'That felt good', she thought to herself.

Five minutes later she landed on Lena's balcony. Lena answered the door, still in her work clothes, but looking a little run down. Sam's motherly instincts kicked in, instantly. "Are you eating? Are you getting any sleep?", she bombarded her boss with questions.

"I'm eating, Harley made me set the alarm on my phone to remind me when to eat, since I'm depressed, and it can make you forget to take care of yourself. As far as sleeping, no, I'm not sleeping. I keep seeing her eyes in my dreams, "Lena answered, sighing to herself. She wasn't over her anger, but she was missing her friend.

"I know how you feel on that one, Lena. I see her every day and can't get those eyes out of my head.", Sam said absentmindedly. One of the true joys of her life, after Ruby was her visits with Kara, even if they just ate and watched TV. Why had it taken her so long to realize her feelings for the wonderful blonde and would she have acted on them knowing how Kara felt about Lena. She didn't come here to daydream over Kara, she needed to prepare Lena for Monday.

"So, Sam, what's going on, what did you need to talk to me about?", Lena asked, pulling Sam away from her thoughts.

"So, you might want to sit down Lena, I don't think you are going to take this news well.", Sam spoke gently.

"Sam?", Lena asked as she took a seat.

Sam took a deep breath, "Lena, Kara had come to a decision." She watched as Lena bit her lip twisted her hands nervously. "She wants to stop, she is going to step away, she needs a break from being Supergirl. She is giving a press conference on Monday, and there will be an interview with Lois in the paper that morning, explaining her reasoning."

Tears fell from Lena's eyes, she had truly ruined Kara and the CEO in her was also thinking of the effect this would have on L Corp. "Oh god, I did this? She's going to stop being Supergirl because of what I did?"

Sam knelt in front of Lena. She was too good of a friend not to be honest with Lena. "Lena, what happened was just the catalyst to this decision, Kara has been to hell and back over the last five years, her body has been beaten down, but emotionally, she needs a break, what happened in the Fortress, it brought everything to the surface, but Kara has needed a break for a while now."

"You're just being polite Sam.", Lena snapped through her tears.

"It would be insulting of me to lie to you, Lena.", Sam said hugging her friend, "Kara has requested that Lois's interview leave you out of this."

Lena started to cry harder, "Of course she would." She cried into Sam's arms for a bit longer, then finally she finished, she thought about something Sam had said. "Sam? You said something about Kara's powers not working right."

"What, oh yeah, they are sporadic, and just a short flight, maybe 15 minutes, wears her out."

"Is she getting enough sun, is she eating.", Lena asked, going into science mode.

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