Serenity, Loyalty, Honor

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Sam came in and found the whole gang crashed out, asleep in whatever location they could comfortably lie in. Kara, Alex, and Eliza had somehow squeezed themselves into Kara's bed while Lois was asleep in the chair and Lucy was curled up on half a dozen blankets with Ruby on the floor. She smiled at the group and laughed happily to herself, Lucy stirred first, blinking sleepily as she stretched and looked up "Hey, Sam. Is it morning already?"

"MmHmm, actually it's just after 8:00, so you all got to sleep in about 30 minutes later." Sam smiled.

Lucy's eyes popped open. "8:00, oh damn, I have to be at the DEO in about an hour." She jumped up looking for her tennis shoes.

"There, under the table Luce." Sam laughed as she pointed.

"Thanks, Sam." Lucy laughed as she grabbed her shoes and hopped down the hall putting them on. She had a company car, so she could go straight to the DEO and shower and change. "Tell Kara I'll call later." She yelled as the door closed.

Lucy's rush woke the rest of the gang up, everyone looked up sleep still in their eyes, blinking quickly. Alex stretched and sat up. Lois got up and smiled. "How's my son?"

"He's fine, Clark came in last night and took over from Nia and Brainy." Sam smiled, remembering how much she worried about Ruby at that age.

"Hi, momma." Her not so little girl said, yawning.

"Hi baby, you are going back to the condo, Nia wants to hang out today," Sam told her child.

"Actually, that's on me." Eliza volunteered while stretching. "Me and the girls are taking a road trip today."

"Really?" Ruby asked excitedly, rushing to find her shoes and clothes from the two days she had been here. "I'll do laundry when we get home tonight mom."

"Okay baby." Sam laughed, she loved seeing Ruby this excited. "Alex, Astra asked that she get a few minutes of your time today."

That woke Alex up. "Yeah, I guess Kara is doing better isn't she." She sighed.

"Hey, Sam." Kara smiled sleepily. "I put everything about Lena's mom on a zip drive."

"I'll give it to her, and I made a reservation for a car this morning. Lois, Lena will call you personally to set up interviews for the next four quarters."

Lois smiled. "What about Lucy's dress?"

"I was supposed to get her size, but she rushed out in a hurry." Sam frowned a bit.

"I'll get it and text you later." Lois smiled "And I'm staying today because Kara and I have a speech to work on."

Kara frowned. "That's right."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, you get a room with a view for the rest of your stay, and Lena said if you could make it to the elevator pushing the wheelchair, no bike today." Sam smiled.

"Okay." Kara smiled, perking up at the chance not to ride that particular demon today.

While everyone got their things together, Eliza and Alex gathered up Kara's things and supervised, along with Sam as she made her way to the elevator. She made it all the way down the hall, then sat heavily in her chair.

The elevator came to a halt on the floor right above Lena's office and Lena was standing at a set of double doors.

"Hello, Kara. Thank you again." Lena smiled then opened the door.

They all stopped and just looked in. The room was a studio apartment, about the size of Kara's former apartment. Except there were floor to ceiling windows forming the outside walls. Kara's bed was set facing the windows with chairs and even an extra bed set up for guests. All the monitors were in place, but nothing blocked her view of the outside. Kara was speechless, quite an accomplishment for the normally chatty superhero.

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