Dana Farrah (No Mist)

705 11 15

a/n; i edited this a few times and i'm still not quite happy with it (especially the ending), but here! (also please give me musical recommendations,,)

Dana's POV
So, the Greek gods revealed themselves.

Which was awesome! And it gave me a way to finally achieve my one goal for high school- becoming popular.

I've spent the past three years trying to get popular. It wasn't that I didn't like the life I had now, it's just that I wanted some friends.

Now that everyone knew the Greek gods were real, I claimed to be a daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom. And people believed me!

The popular kids invited me to sit at their table, and I was happy. (Even though I felt guilty.)

No one knew I was lying, and they all wanted to be my friend.

That was, until Annabeth Chase came to our school.

Annabeth was pretty.

That was one of the first things anyone would notice about her.

She had a tan, lean body, and curly blonde hair. Her stormy grey eyes just served to make her look prettier, despite the fact that they always looked like they were planning eight different ways to kill you.

But the thing about Annabeth is that she didn't want to be popular.

She ignored the popular girls who tried to befriend her, and the guys (and occasional girl) who tried to ask her out. And I admired her for it.

I wished I could be as carefree as her.

Instead, I let my peers pressure me into things like going to parties, or dating a boy even though I had no real interest in dating anyone.

Anyway, back to Annabeth.

Despite the fact that she wasn't popular, she wasn't unpopular either.

She had a few very good friends, and she was admired by quite a few people at the school. She was good at academics and sports, and she seemed like she was your average overachiever.

Until the hellhound attacked.

It'd been just after school had ended, and Annabeth was sitting under a tree, obviously waiting to be picked up.

She was reading a book that looked like it was about architecture or something and she'd occasionally check her watch and glance around. Nothing unusual was happening, so most people ignored her.

Then someone screamed.

I turned to the direction of the screaming to see what seemed to be a extremely large mastiff with red eyes. I bit back a scream as it plowed through the crowd, straight towards Annabeth.

The monster growled, and Annabeth just stood calmly, setting down her book.

People were yelling at her to run, but she pulled a dagger from her boot, causing the crowd to collectively gasp.

Then the monster lunged at Annabeth. She rolled out of the way, and the monster ran straight into the tree. While it was dazed, Annabeth raised her dagger and pounced.

The monster disintegrated, covering Annabeth in golden dust.

"Who are you?" Someone yelled.

Annabeth tucked her dagger into her boot, and grabbed her book before facing the crowd again. "I'm Annabeth, daughter of Athena."

Everyone just gasped at her as she turned towards me.

"Dana, I know why you pretended to be a daughter of Athena. And I don't blame you. Maybe one day, you'll be able to accept yourself for who you are."

And with that, she began to walk off.

I managed to shake myself out of my awe long enough to chase after her.

"Annabeth!" I called.

She stopped and turned around.

"I was wondering if you would be able to help me join the Hunters?"

Annabeth grinned, and beckoned for me to follow her.

Joining the Hunters was the best decision I'd ever made. I fought along my sisters regularly and enjoyed it.

And that was how I met Annabeth Chase.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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