The Great Prophecy(again)

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Dear readers. Thank you for reading this book. I promise to try my hardest to make the book interesting. Hope you enjoy. Also if you haven't read book 1, please do. It's called Percy Jackson: Broken.


*1 month after Annabeths possession*
Percys POV
He was nervous as he walked up the marble steps to the Throne Room of the Gods. Mount Olympus now looked barren and empty. All partying had been reduced in this time of war, and there were rarely any smiles. He could hear the shouting from outside and heard Zeus's order. 'So be it. The majority is supporting the decision' Percy heard.
'What's the decision?' Percy asked as he walked in.
'Oh you're hear Perseus, that's good' Zeus said.
'So what the decision' Percy asked impatiently. 'We all had a vote, and the favor is in making you one of us' was the reply, but it came from Ares. Percy looked at him questioningly. Ares looked very upset this time. Even more so than usual, to Percy. Was something wrong with him? 'But I'm already immortal, how do you propose to make me a god' Percy questioned. 'Percy, immortality is not all that makes you a god. You need your domains too. Your domains are where you are strongest, and it only can be what you are good at.' Zeus said.
'Oh umm.... how about loyalty, bravery, strengths and weaknesses' Percy mused.
'Percy Jackson, god of loyalty, bravery, strengths and weaknesses. That's a mouthful' Zeus chuckled.
Percy scratched his head and gave an awkward smile.
'So be it!' Zeus boomed suddenly. 'Repeat after me:
Αφήστε το αίμα να μετατραπεί σε χρυσό και το δέρμα να μετατραπεί σε χάλυβα. Αφήστε τις αδυναμίες να πεθάνουν και εμφανίζονται δυνατά σημεία. Επιτρέψτε μου να γίνω θεός παλαιού.
Percy repeated after him, the words clicking into English in his head.
Translation: Let blood turn gold, and skin turn to steel. Let weaknesses die, and strengths appear. Let me become a god of old.
Suddenly his body started glowing and he rose up into the air. He felt like he was being cooked alive as his blood started boiling. Then, as quickly as it began, he gently fell towards the ground. His shirt had somehow been ripped off, and suddenly his chest and arms rippled with muscles. He always had muscles, but these were so much more pronounced. He gingerly pokes his left arm, as if it would fall off when touched. He heard a gasp come from Aphrodite, and turned around to see her staring at his now well-pronounced body. Of course she would stare, he thought as he rolled his eyes at her. 'Perseus Jackson, please step forward' Zeus commanded. Percy did as he was ordered. A knife appeared on a platter in front of him. 'Cut your hand and see the color of your blood' Zeus said. Percy cut his palm and golden blood came rushing out. 'The boy is now a god. All hail the new god, Perseus Jackson, god of Loyalty, Bravery, Strengths and Weaknesses' Zeus's voice echoed all over mount Olympus. Suddenly, from everywhere, voices shouted back 'HAIL PERSEUS JACKSON'. There was a big party that night, and it was a joy for everyone because they hadn't had one for an entire month.
Percy realized he could see the word 'jar' near Ares's head. Like literally, right next to his head.
He decided to play it safe. He walked over to Ares and said 'how's the jar'. Ares whipped his face around and started panicking and asked 'what?' 'I said how's the car' Percy said, realizing the jar was his 'weakness'. 'What car?' Ares asked. 'Your car stupid' Percy said, rolling his eyes. 'I don't have a car' Ares told him, his face still red. 'Then I recommend you the Pagani Huayra. It's fast and it looks cool' Ares nodded absentmindedly as he stood there. Percy frowned. Ares was being really weird about something. He was acting nervous. 'Also, now I know you have a phobia of jars. Christmas is almost here, I think I'll get you a green one with tree designs' Percy told him.
'What? How did you find out' Ares spluttered and narrowed his eyes. 'Oh just side effects of being the god of WEAKNESSES doofus' Percy teased him.
'Listen here punk, if anyone gets to know of this from your mouth, I will make sure to detach it from your head so it can never cause any trouble again, Ares threatened.
'Geez Ares calm down I was just joking. Also, remember my domains. With these new powers, I have increased strengths and less weaknesses. Plus, I can easily identify yours. I can see that your left leg is weak, so you probably had an injury recently. I just have to kick you there, and you will fall face first into... well into the ground I guess, I'm not catching you. Also I doubt Aphrodite will approve of you kissing the ground rather than kissing her, so no threats to me mister or *mimics baby voice* I will make sure to detach your mouth from your head so it can never cause any trouble again'  Percy dissed. Ares backed away, speechless, and red-faced. Percy turned around. This party was for him. He couldn't enjoy it though. Not with Annabeth in trouble. He sneaked off to Camp Half-Blood where he was trying to narrow down Gaia's position. After nearly a month of hard work, he thought he had got it. 'Just mine and ol' Gaia's favourite. Time to go underground' he muttered sarcastically.
Yass first chapter done. Wow, that was harder than it should have been. Anyway, read on and thanks for reading.

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