The end... or the beginning

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This is where the similarities to that other book I sort of copied takes most action. If you've read it, you'll see the copying I did. This ending (and the epilogue after it) is in no way fully mine, and most credit goes to the author I mentioned in my first book. There are only a few changes which belong to me.

Annabeths POV

Annabeth was with a few of the original campers. Nico, Will, Thalia and Grover showed up, Clarisse followed us, surprisingly. They sat around the shroud, watching the last of the smoke start disappearing, taking the little of Percy that was left in this world. Annabeths mind kept replaying the same scene in her head. It was when she had burnt percys shroud, crying her eyes out, and then just looking up and seeing him staring at her. She couldn't believe her eyes, has thought she had gone mental, until he gave that smile, the one that could only be that perfect if it was real, and she knew. She knew her heart wasn't broken, that her Seaweed Brain was still alive. She kept glancing at the beach, hoping it would happen again, but this time she knew it wouldn't. She had seen his lifeless body, had placed it in the shroud, had cried over it. Still, her senses kept betraying her, making her think she saw a glimpse of black hair, a whisper of his voice, a touch from his hands... Annabeth shook herself out of her thoughts and looked up at the beach again. Percy was walking up the slope, looking at her. She smiled at him sadly, and looked back at Percys shroud. Wait... Percy?! She looked back, and saw his smile widen. He knew what happened. Despite herself, she giggled, and tore off, full sprint, crashing into him, and they both rolled down the slope. Then she realized he was supposed to be dead. 'You idiot! You promised you wouldn't do that again! But of course, only you would crash your own funeral twice.' And with that, she judo flipped him, flipped him so hard he flew into the water. He got up, dry as always, and smiled. Oh, that smile dogged under her skin, but she wasn't going to complain. She started running towards him again, while the rest, who had caught up, looked amused. Percy put his finger up, wait it said. Annabeth stopped. Percy walked towards the shroud, past Annabeth, but she still saw the way his eyes glinted purple. She'd only seen someone's eye change color that unnaturally with Luke. Percy stopped in-front of the shroud, and raised his hands above his head. Storm clouds appeared out of nowhere, flashing purple lightning. Percy threw his hands down, and the lightning struck his body. Annabeth screamed, and attempted to run to him, but Grover held her back. A horrible wail echoed, from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Suddenly, the storm clouds disappeared and the lightning stopped, letting in the sun. The smoke faded away, showing percy, on his knees. He got up and began walking towards me, like nothing happened. Only Percy, she smiled inwardly. Only he would act casual about lightning hitting him.

Percys POV

Scira had gone. Apparently it was that easy. Gaea would never be a threat again, and Percy could go back to my normal life. 'Percy Jackson!' A voice yelled from the cabin area. He looked over and saw Alex looking rather suspicious in the center of the court. 'What do you want, Alex?' Percy replied. 'I'm tired of how you always beat me, make me lose my reputation, and constantly insult me. You may think of me as a brat but have you ever wondered, maybe I constantly ask for a fight because my father is the God Of War? Maybe it's genes? Even I don't know why I do it, for Zeus's sake. But today, I'm gonna beat you and this puny camp all at once. I will destroy you all. And then you will know that I was the greatest!' Alex yelled. By then, all the campers had gotten out of the cabins and formed a circle around Percy and Alex. Percy was starting to get wary, because it seemed like Alex had gone mad with anger. He might do something extremely harmful to everyone around him. 'Okay Alex, don't do whatever you plan on doing. I won't ever beat you in a duel, I won't even duel you anymore. Please, don't hurt anyone' Percy begged. To that, Alex only smirked and pulled out a glass vial from his pocket. Percy froze. He would recognize that green glow anywhere. 'Everyone run, it's Greek fire!' Percy yelled. 'Oh, don't worry. There's so much Greek fire in here, it will consume the entire camp!' Alex yelled too. And with that word, he threw the bottle at his feat. There was an instant wail from everyone as the sky turned green and hot. Then the pain started. People began running for shelter, but Percy knew there was nothing we could do. Trying to get water to take out the fire wouldn't work because the water would evaporate. Then he saw 3 figures huddled together. He turned away, not wanting to see this scene unfold again. Suddenly, the fire disappeared. The ground was covered in ashes, and there was no one around. The sky looked dull, and so did the trees. 'Annabeth? I didn't even get to say goodbye...' Percy said, softly. He headed for the ocean, so that he could wonder why he survived. 'The Gods are fading. It seems a child of Mars pulled this exact stunt at Camp Jupiter. Due to no influence on anyone anymore, all the gods have faded, save for one. Poseidon. He is connected to life by one single thread, you. Give him peace, for life like this is agony. Let your father go peacefully. Once he goes, it will mark the end of the Greek Pantheon. You will wake up in a new universe, and because you were the sole survivor who willingly passed, you will be the only one to remember this life. Whether it's a blessing or a curse, that's up to you.' Scira said from behind Percy. So the gods were gone. This was the end of the Greek Pantheon huh? No more campfires, no more prophecy's, no more secret cuddles with Annabeth... Percy looked at the ocean, and put his hand in it. 'Dad, I love you. But don't torture yourself please. I will miss you so much.' And then Percy began crying. The ocean slowly turned grey, signifying Poseidon's departure from the world. Percy looked up. So he was the sole survivor of the Greek Pantheon huh? 'What happens now?' He asked Scira. 'Some other Pantheon that you may or may not have heard of will replace you. It will have it own history that might not exist right now. And you will most likely not be part of it.' Scira replied. 'So you mean I'll be mortal?' Percy asked. 'It depends on what your heart prefers the most' Scira replied. 'I guess it is time for you to go too. Once you leave, I will fade too and then we shall say goodbye to the Greek Pantheon forever' she said. Percy looked back at the ocean, the world seeming too quiet today. The water slowly turned grey, like it was heavily polluted, and its shine disappeared. 'Goodbye dad' Percy whispered and closed his eyes, a single tear falling down his cheek, and let the white light take him in.


Thank you so much for reading this book. This is the technical end, but I still will upload an epilogue soon, which will be the official end to this book. After that, you guys can tell me if you want a book written about Percys new life. See you then!

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