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art in the media box by me •

13 minute read

H e r   M e m o i r   E x c e r p t s


          Sleep never came to me on this very spring night, as like with many past nights. It also was not like when I was awake, I really was. Thirteen more years just seemed to have happened to me, I realize.

I felt stagnant wind from the single window that allowed eight of us to breathe, yet I was hot, boiling alive in my own sweat. I liked to believe it was a good sign I was still alive at least; body heat.

It was because my uncomfortably flat mattress felt like I had taken a piss all over it, that I decided to get up, and take a walk in the dark. Just as my days had been, walking without sight for what's ahead.

My bed made a tired squeaky noise as I stood. The floor panels, exhausted, squeaked as well. The door also joined their little aggravated discussion about how they all could use a fix. It seemed everything about the building wanted to give way, including it's inhabitants. My roommates never even stirred all the prior times I noisily snuck out, as well as tonight. I felt bad for them, being so deeply asleep meant anything could happen, they were basically dead for hours. I also felt bad for myself that I never got to feel any of their calm.

Barefoot because I had grown used to it and liked it, I navigated my way through the narrow corridors. The soft thuds of my steps oddly scared me a little. I felt like someone was behind me.

"I could really use your help," I heard a raspy voice demand.

Frightening me to smithereens, I let out a strangled yelp. As I turned around, a dim torch was in my face. He was so close, it was like he wanted to walk through me. I almost slapped him.

"Get that light out of my eyes, you idiot!" I yelled in a whisper.

He lost his balance for a second as he stumbled backwards, fumbling with the light which he eventually shone at the ceiling. It casted a few rays on his face. As high as he looked, hair and eyes all over the place, he smiled at me.
"Please. Something's happened."

"I don't know you. That's your problem," I dismissed, already turning away.

"B-but wait. I know you. Maia, right?." His eyes looked glazed over, they were not focusing.

I narrowed my eyes, trying to mask how alarmed I was that this stranger knew me. "I appreciate your fandom, now fuck off."

He laughed loudly and heartily. He seemed to have no regard for the time, his surroundings, or the poor torch light he fidgeted with. I was a little bit more than vaguely interested at this point. "I just want to show you what I did," he stretched out his arm. I stared at it and then at him, back and forth again. "Come on," he beamed.



"Give me the torch then."


I left his outstretched hand hanging, but followed him because I intended on going outside anyways, and because I was only slightly curious about what his fuss was about. He staggered as I walked beside him, while I cursed myself for my stupid decision to have left my room in the first place.

Oh shit, I inwardly proclaimed at the sight before me. It was hard to miss. The capsized motorcycle, the dead dog and the obvious story plot.

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