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20 minute read


Spencer may have been a plethora of things, but he was not a liar.

There was no dramatic goose chase, no embarrassing dismissal from the gate keepers. All he said to them was, "They're with me" and they let us pass. Mr. Potbelly might have had a few qualms if he hadn't been sleeping off his shift under a shed.

Birthday-girl and I were visibly shell shocked, taking our sweet time in getting out of a stunned silence. Presently on the free woman's side of the fence, I looked around, taking note of the familiar dirt road, overgrown shrubs and the litter. Just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating, I tapped my feet.

I narrowed my eyes at Spencer. All was thanks to him, our unordained messiah.

In a burst of energy, Lori squealed happily and rushed him into what looked like a very unbreathable bear hug. It was cute, because she was a shorty and she was trying to strangle his abdomen.

"Spencer! My love! I'm so sorry I called you an asshole!" She swayed them both playfully.

This caught him off-guard but his expression quickly dissolved into an easy smile. Patting her head and then adjusting her tiara, he assured Lori, "We is cool, you is my favourite." Wherefore, he proceeded to smirk at me.

"Aw, you're not an asshole."


And like the sensitive and respectful person I was, I said, "Uh, Lori, we'd better get going, this is getting weird."

I was ignored.

"I don't care how you did it, just... thank luck! And you, can't forget you," she giggled. Then she released him.

She skipped to me, her arm coming around my shoulder, "Maia, what do we say to this great man that has set us free? Go on, say the magic words," She patronised.

Scoffing, "I will not be praying to Spencer of all people," I defiantly folded my arms, looking away.

She rubbed the shoulder that her palm rested on, "On behalf of this goat she says: Thank you Spencer, I'm secretly in love with you Spencer, do me Spencer—"

I elbowed her in the boob, while she made vague noises.

He was amused to say the very least.

"Bye, bye! You stunner! I'm going to miss you! Wish I knew you longer!" We had started backing away slowly, and she was waving like a car's wind shield.

"We'll definitely still see again," his smile held a secret he wouldn't share.

As he turned back into the house, I yelled "Hey!"

"Why do they let you pass as you like?"

He had a different smile on this time, a wry one. "You won't believe me. But if you come and find me later, I'll tell you."


By the end of the day, I had had actual fun. It was nothing super special, but it was. On a whim, I blew all my life savings which wasn't more that a few bucks, parading the city and trying to feel normal. Lori also had earnings from her cash pigs, so we were balling out in a sense.

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